Monster Beneath

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They made their way out of the ship in single file, following Peter who had the tracker and the parrot. They began another journey.

They walked through fields, and small towns along the way too, but they tried to stay out where no one could see them. They might look a little suspicious, and Loki could have spies acting like normal people, watching them.

"How much longer?" Katie began to whine.

"Just another mile or two," Peter told her.

"How far away did you go from his base!?" Katie glared.

"Well... we were being shot at," Peter said. "About six to seven miles."

"Its good exercise," Michelle shrugged.

Suddenly Rachael was sucked into the ground. Everyone stopped, alarmed. "Rachael!?" Josh shouted.

"Get back!" Steve said, pulling Josh away from the area Rachael had been sucked into.

Suddenly Michelle was sucked under too. "Get back!" Sam yelled.

They all began running back where they came from as fast as possible. As they were running Josh was taken.

"What is it?" Freya cried.

"I don't know," Bucky answered, grabbing her arm to make her run faster with him, but they didn't get far.

Freya was suddenly sucked in, and Violet noticed a thing moving under the grass. It must have been a creature of some kind... or something Tony Stark made to catch trespassers.

She didn't know why, but she had a feeling that she needed to push Anthony out of the way and she didn't hesitate. She jumped, and tackled Anthony to the ground.

He would have been sucked under if she hadn't. A hole opened up where he had been standing, but it quickly closed again. "What on earth?" Sam exclaimed, stopping to look at it.

He didn't have enough time to react. He had seen the thing moving in the grass, but it was so fast, that he didn't even get to think before it sucked him under.

"Keep running!" Thor said, right as Katie was taken.

"This thing is going to keep chasing us," Bucky said, and looked at Violet, who was breathing hard as she ran. "Thor, can you take Violet, Steve, Anothny and Peter to Asgard? I'll distract this thing while you go."

"No, Bucky, you can't do that," Steve said, and he didn't even look breathless from all the running. "I'll go."

"No," Violet said, panting. "No one is going! We've already lost most everyone!"

"You have to continue this mission with Violet," Steve told his best friend who was like a brother to him. "She needs you."

"No!" Bucky said, right as Steve stopped, so the creature could get him instead.

Thor quickly wrapped his arm around Violet and Anthony, Peter grabbing hold of Thor's arm while holding onto Bucky's with his other, and lifted his hammer into the air. The strange colored lights appeared around them again, right after Steve was sucked into the ground.

They appeared back at the round golden room with Heimdall waiting there for them. Violet dropped to her knees, tired and dizzy from running so hard and fast. She had been so frightened that she was shaking. Within one day she had lost basically all of her friends.

Violet BarnesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin