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A month passed, and everyone was in rough shape. Loki had already taken Black Widow, Hawkeye and Iron Man. They wondered when he would strike again, if ever.

It was too dangerous to go back to their homes, so they had to live on the road. Sam drove his truck with Freya and Katie in front in the middle and Steve in the passenger seat, and Bucky, Josh, Violet, Rachael, Anthony and Michelle all squashed in back.

It was the only vehicle they had, so they had to deal with being squashed. They were in the middle of a desert in Mexico, following Loki's trail. They weren't giving up on saving Katrina and their friends.

"Where's our next stop?" Violet asked.

"I don't know," Sam said. "Where ever we are when it gets dark... good thing we have a tent and blankets."

"You're welcome," Josh said.

He had bought the tent and blankets for them on their last stop with all the money he carried.

Everyone stayed silent after that. They didn't know what to talk about. They were all tired and sore from sitting so long and being so squashed, but Violet didn't argue; she wanted to save her sister and friends.

That night, Sam pulled over on the side of the road, and used his flashlight while he, Josh and Anthony set the tent up, and Steve and Bucky got a small fire going. It was pretty cold tonight.

Violet found a log to sit on, and she dragged it over by the fire, so she could get warm. Freya was just sitting in the sand, playing with the fire. She made it shape like tiny dragons and other animals like birds and stuff.

Rachael and Katie were just staring at Freya's little animals dancing around in the fire. "You know what," Michelle said, as she sat down next to Freya in the sand. "Let's play a game. It's about time we've had a good laugh."

"This isn't the kind of time for laughing," Rachael said glumly.

"Sure it is," Michelle smiled, gently nudging Rachael's shoulder. "All we need is the boys and then we can all choose something to play."

Michelle turned to the boys who were trying to figure out what they were going to do when everyone woke up. "Guys," Michelle said. They all stopped talking and looked at her. "Come over here guys, we're going to play a game."

"Michelle, I'm sorry, but we don't have time to play any games right now," Bucky said. "Why don't you just play with your sisters? They look kind of bored."

"But it won't be fun without you guys," Michelle begged. "Please? Just one little game?"

They looked at each other and shrugged. "Are you afraid you'll lose to a couple girls?" Violet teased.

"You wanna go?" Bucky teased back, as he walked towards them.

Violet scooted over so Bucky could sit next to her, and the others sat in the sand. "So," Violet said, once Bucky sat down. "What are we playing?"

"Why don't we play... a laughing game?" Michelle said.

"What kind?" Violet wondered.

"Well, where we each have a partner and we have to act something out, and try to make people laugh," Michelle said. "If you laugh, it's your turn next."

"Okay," Rachael shrugged. "Why not?"

"Bucky and I are on a team," Violet said, grabbing his hand.

Violet BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now