Start from the beginning

(Well, okay, maybe it was happening, but she wasn't enjoying it.)

She sat on the counter since there were few people in the store and the sweet old lady she met named Carolyn, who was indubitably the owner didn't mind her swinging her feet as Luke managed as the cashier. Other co-workers (there were only two today, one old man named Jerry, and an eighteen-year old girl who was called Kitten since no one knew her real name and that was what she requested to be called) droned on, spritzing leaves with water, cleaning up dirt.

Even Luke seemed to be uncomfortable with his job, which slightly saddened Ava because she thought that he'd be happy working around things that he loved. She didn't push any subjects, Luke would tell her about his own life when he wanted, but she couldn't deny that she was dying to know more about him. She was adored the time they just sat around and talked, mainly because she liked to learn new things about him. She didn't want to be nosy, so she intently moved her stare to a green flower by the front windows. Her staring competition with the flower was lost when she received a nudge on her left arm.

She looked over and saw Carolyn, smiling brightly at her. Carolyn, who was abnormally short due to her hunching back and beat up cane, was holding up two pink flowers. The lady passed the two flowers to Ava and placed them firmly in her hand. She then patted Ava's leg lightly, clearing her throat, calling Luke over.

"What's up?" Luke interfered, joining them, glancing down at what Carolyn had given Ava.

"Those are Gladioluses," Carolyn informed, adjusting the brown glasses on her face with a frail and shaky hand. "My favorites. Free of charge, for you and Luke."

"Aw, thanks, Carolyn. You didn't have to, I'm more than happy to pay for it myself," Ava offered, hoping the old lady would take her money.

Instead, Carolyn waved her off. "No, it's fine. To be honest, I'm taking it out of Kitten's paycheck, I caught her sleeping on the job again. Nevertheless, take the flowers! It's a gift."

Ava handed the other flower to Luke, who stood next to her, arm draped over her shoulder (honestly, how many times has he done that? His body seemed to do it automatically at this point). Carolyn smiled at that, chuckling. She seemed to enjoy the sight of the two kids together.

"You remind me of my husband and I," she told them cheerfully. "We look at each other the exact same way you guys do."

Ava flushed immediately, stammering as her and Luke began speaking simultaneously, removing his arm from her, both of them fussing out words that became incoherent because of their panicked yammering. They pointed at each other, shaking their heads while continuing to make excuses over one another, coming up with an explanation. Carolyn chuckled in amusement, taking their blushing faces as yet another sign that the pair, were in fact, in love with each other (or at least, in like with each other) and pondering whether or not they knew that they resembled two five year olds as they yelled over each other.

"We're not—" Ava finally started, clamping her hand over Luke's mouth to keep it shut, his muttering still heard through her fingers, "Carolyn, we're just friends. If anything, seeing his face everyday is puke-inducing."

Luke pried Ava's hand off his mouth, mocking offense. "Excuse me, if anything, you love my face."

Ava paid no attention to him, shoving his flower back in his nose as a way to stun him so he could shut up. She turned back to Carolyn timidly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought—well, never mind. Enjoy the flowers by the way. I best be on my way, Kitten is probably napping in the greenhouse again. Have a nice day!" Carolyn piped up, before glancing at Luke, "Bring this one back, I like her."

The old lady exited, her cane clattering against the floor. When she was out of earshot, Luke sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck, something he did often when he was nervous or awkward (that meant he did it a lot). He chuckled, "That was, uh, something."

"Wow. You have such a way with words, Lucas Hemmings," she retorted, rolling her eyes at his lack of better word, twirling the flower stem in between her fingers. "It was kind of her to give us these."

"Yeah. Gladioluses," Luke pronounced at a snail's pace, carefully saying each syllable. "They're beautiful flowers. You know what they mean?"

"Nope, but I'm sure that you're going to tell me," Ava quirked, tossing some of her hair back to add dramatic effect. He stuck his tongue out at her before taking a look at the flower seriously.

"Gladioluses," he paused to look Ava in the eye, reflecting his emotions back to her so clearly that she felt her breath hitch in her throat, "Mean strength. You know what they remind me of?"

Ava shook her head, too focused on Luke's lips to speak. His fingers brushed against her cheek, in a friendly manner, as a way of making her look up at him.



carolyn knows what's up

i don't know what this update this, i'm sorry. school's here and i'm stressing out, but i told you guys that i would do something creative with luke's job at the flower shop and here it is!there's also a lot of messy things going on, but it'll all make sense later on. the story makes a full circle when i put in all the details.

this chapter focuses on ava's feelings and how ?? she is because she is honestly me when it comes to boys. aka the "do i like him?" thought process she has going on. plus, i know that the setting is a little different and so is the relationship between ava and luke because the way they act around each other is taking a big turn, but it'll come back to sarcastic flirting soon again.

obviously luke and ava are very idiotic because they're in love but skinny love is great so yeah. and michael is going to make appearances soon, don't worry.

and i don't have many questions but i came up with some:

—what's your opinion on the way Luke and Ava have been acting around each other lately? do you prefer this over how they were before?

—do you think Delilah will make a comeback (smirks)?

—what do you think of the flower part i put in?

—on a scale of 1 to Malum Will Rise, how bad do you want Luke and Ava to actually get together?

—last but not least, what's your favorite flower?

that's all for this update! i hope you liked it and i hope that i can update soon lol. also follow me on twitter (@wokehearts) because that's where i usually am more active!

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