"If you are all done than I have some things to say." Damien pulled the girl away from me and started. "First, I want you all to look after her."

"I am not a baby." I protested.

"Alpha's order." Damien shrugged and then went back to talking. "Second, someone should always be with her. Third, if any one tries something on her, you know what to do." Damien said with a smirk and all three of them smirk nodding their heads. They were acting as if I wasn't even there.

"Okay now that's being said. Meryl they are Lucy's children. That's Luke." He said pointing at the brown eyes who wave at me and I waved back. "And he's Liam." He said pointing at the blue eyes who gave me cheeky grin.

"They are twins as you can see." Both Luke and Liam grinned at that.

"But I am the hottest and the sexiest between us ." Liam pointed at Luke then at him smiling smugly while Luke snorted as if taunting Liam.

"I'll go now and don't make me break your bones because I will if you don't perform your duty well." Damien gave them all a pointed look before he turned towards me.

"Have fun at your first day of school." I smiled but it vanished as I remembered something.

"What is it?" Damien asked looking at me worriedly when he saw my smile disappear. I don't know how to ask him that but I was left with no choice but to ask him because he is the only one who will know.

"Umm.. Where is Alpha? I mean he didn't came..." Before I can say any further he cut me off.

"Don't worry Meryl, he is fine. He was at the pack house yesterday." He said knowing what I wanted to ask and know. I nodded my head. "okay." I gave him a small smile which made him smile brightly at me.

Alpha king was not home yesterday. I thought he would be back when I wake up but he was not. I felt alone and depressed in his big house even though the house was well guarded, the guards were not allowed to talk with me and vice versa. And in the morning Damien came to pick me up for school.

Damien turned around and got in his truck. He started his truck and drove down the road. "Let's get your schedule first." Lisa's voice made me look at her, she was smiling which made me smile back. She linked our hands and then pulled me towards the school building.

The excitement was back at full force again.


"So you think this colour will look good?" Lisa asked suddenly making me look at her. She held a yellow paint and was looking at me for my response. I don't know what she was painting but nodded my head anyway.

"Okay yellow it is." She started painting again. We were currently in art class. It's already fourth period after which it will be lunch. After taking my schedule from the office, it was found that Lisa and I shared all the class together while the twins were in either two or three classes of ours.

I was glad that I had art class because I love to paint while Lisa had a different reason for taking up art.

When I asked her about it she said, "It's easy and I can score easily. No one fails in art class." And I now understand what she meant. She was terrible at painting and I don't even know what she is painting, it's a mixture of colours but she said she either gets B or C in art and it was more than enough for her.

There are thirty students in this class, twelve boys and eighteen girls. Everyone was doing their own thing and the teacher was on her chair doing her own thing.

"Wow, you can paint." Lisa whispered, her voice close to my ear making me gasped in shock. I didn't even know when she had moved behind me.

"Thank you." I whispered continuing to paint.

Even though I was trying to concentrate on what i was doing I had a bad feeling about something. Like something is not right or something is gonna happen. I tried to push this feeling away but it keeps coming back.

"Can you sketch?" Lisa asked casually stroking her paint brush randomly. I looked at my painting carefully which was a scenery and stroke my paint brush carefully to enhance the grass.

I hummed in reply. She was quiet after that and it was silent for a while almost as if no one was around. The soft music was playing as the teacher had said, "It will help us in concentrating". The room was peaceful too peaceful but it seems it was a silence before the storm.

I heard a loud bang making me jump in my seat. Not only me but most of the girls squealed in shock even Lisa. My head snapped towards the classroom door and it was opened ajar with a seething Alpha King standing on the doorway. His hard and angry gaze was fixate on me.

Everyone gasped at the sight of him even the teacher stood up abruptly from her seat. "Al-Alpha Ki...king." She bowed her head in respect as well as fear of him. Everyone present in the room bowed at him but his gaze was at me.

I gulped at the intensity of his stare as he slowly almost predator like walked towards my direction.

I gripped the edge of my seat in fear, my heart hammered against my ribcage threatening to break free.

He stopped infront of me and brought his face down towards my ear and whispered roughly.

"You shouldn't have lied to me."

The felt the air whoosh out of me at his words.


So yeah I updated finally *Smiles apologetically*

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