Welcome To The Weirdos

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Name: Daniel Feernam


Species: Human hybrid

Hair color: Black

Height: Shut the fuck up I am not that god damn short and can kill you.

Weight: 86.5

Quote: Fuck! Alexandria!!!!

Hi I am Daniel . I am a senior. I have a twin sister named Alex.

Our stepmom's name is Julie. She is pretty cool and lets listen to whatever music we want.

She has a daughter with our Dad named Maddy. Maddy gets along with Alex better than I do sometimes but she's kind of an airhead.

Then there's Zia. Mom and Dad adopted because well their too kind.

Thing is about me and Alex. Our Dad grew us in test-tubes. Alex thinks it on of the coolest thing ever, but it kinda annoys me that my Dad grew me not created me like a normal kid. So yeah.

NO WE WERE NOT GROWN IN THE SAME TUBE. THAT IS SICK!!! Sides she might have killed me. Its scary what that girl can do.

She's pretty much a technical genius. She gets tech. I get alchemy and fights. I just know how and when to egg someone on. Its easy. And alchemy. I love alchemy.

Alex is what is known as the better twin. She's less goth and more "Focusing on some shit you wouldn't understand ever so leave the fuck me alone." I barely get C's and am goth and get in fights alot. Yeah. Fun.

Alex and I may be twins but we look nothing alike. She has red hair thats really long and she's really short. She has really pretty green eyes. I ,on the other hand, have black hair thats to my shoulders and accually have some height! I have blue eyes and depending on where I am people tell me they look sliver. I think its cool.

Julie and Dad just got me a bunch of books on Alchemy and a book on WWE finishing moves. Dad got me that. Julie hates that I fight. At least I'm not street fighting anymore. Ok as much. Ok I do it all the time.

But she thinks I workout in a gym. And box! Ew! I like real fighting with skin to skin. Haha that sounds perverted. But yeah. The only pretection I have is I wear a thin fingerless glove. It can be pretty painful. But its a good rush.

Alex gets mad when she has to fix me up. I got a nasty cut on my forehead once and it needed stiches and she did it. She knows why I fight though. The same reason I also use alchemy. Its the same reason she plays with her techy toys. Its just one of those things.

Zia is really mousey if I take her out in public but at home she can be crazy! She's just an awesome girl. But she has a gay boy fetish. Its kinda weird. Ok as a gay I understand it is so much better than hetero but still. She's just is weird. And we joke that she has a sliverwear fetish cause we through our stuff on her tray at school.

School is a bit weird for us. Alex and I get stares and one this girl who hates Alex us the Devil's kids. I don't even know her. Everyone there somehow found out Alex and I were grown not born. Guess who let that info slip. (Maddy:Shut up!! I didn't mean to!) Maddy if you want to type the weird shit that happens to go to your room!! God!

I hate when Maddy barges in my room. She has no sense of privacy at all. She says that I shouldn't got anything to hide. I tell her one of these days she's gonna walk in on my jacking off or something and she will be scarred for life. I'm older than her by two years. Im 17. So yeah. Of course I jack off. Of course I have fucked dudes. I said Alex was good twin. Which also means she is a virgin. Again not so good twin is me! God.

So thats all for now I guess. Alex is bugging me. She wants to go by icecream. Well bye.

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