page 4

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As I made my way around the corner , I tried walking as fast as I possibly could and to my annoyance a few people stopped to call out my name to say hi, but I managed to only gave a faint greeting.

I have learned the way of the people of this town whether nice or not I either way have this irrational fear of people drawing attention to me or even just noticing me in public.
When they do notice me I feel like they are constantly gossiping and judging me. Laughing at me for just existing.

Only a few really truly meant to be nice saying hello, the others is just plain two faced, just out to make up gossip and rumours about you.

Especially if you are not born in to this town, an outsider and I have learned that on the hard way.
I almost ran the last few steps to the library when a stupid song that I absolutely hate with all my soul, played loudly from a car passing me sending my brain in to a shock, bringing back all kinds of memories that made my soul feel dark instantly.

I didn't need to look to know who it was that passed by me with that music because I could tell just by the way he drove that it was him...
I felt my food running up my throat as a sudden sense of numbness overcame me and I saw images in front of my eyes that bewildered me; curses!!

Bloody curses!!

Having these back flashes made me feel like I was perhaps going crazy and I hated feeling like that. I muffled a cry with my hand and blindly ran into a direction feeling how my lungs was closing up like an hand placing pressure on it and pain shot through my chest.
Just another anxiety attack.

Once I safely entered the library I nervously glanced back and then I felt the air leave my lungs as I collided with someone in front of me, and I let out a gasp...

Once I safely entered the library I nervously glanced back and then I felt the air leave my lungs as I collided with someone in front of me, and I let out a gasp

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He stretched his legs tiredly getting out of the car and took in the view around him as he took of his sunglasses. There wasn't much to see either, the municipality building stood out like a sore eye with some garbage scattered around by people who enjoyed their lunch and dropped the xylophone plates in the go and he pulled a slight face at it.

Not too far stood a restaurant and next to it Dr. offices, beyond that a tarred road with potholes leading to some apartments. He wasn't used to this type of scenery.
He send his hand through his dark hair and glanced over to the driver who brought him, giving a nod of good bye, and picked up his suitcases, taking a deep breath.

He just arrived from a flight from New York to South Africa a few hours ago and after what felt like a long ride from Kimberly to the Valley they stopped at the Library where his contact a certain Herman Bosh said he would meet him. He made his way in to the library, leaving the suitcases not far from the door and took the time to inspect his surroundings whilst his surroundings clearly inspected him...

It was no secret; he stood out like a statue with his expensive suit and his deep accent, there was no doubt that it made him even more intriguing. He made a mental note that it was perhaps wiser to dress down if he wanted to go unnoticed.

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