Chapter 1

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I woke up and looked across the dusty redy-yellow stretch of land we call the plain. The people I saw having a sleepy about 50 meters from me are gone. That's what we call it when we sleep now, because it's not how we used to sleep were we got about 8 or 9 hours sleep back in the large land time. Now I only get about 2-4 hours of sleep at once, but I sleep more frequently and during the day sometimes, just like everyone else. I can't sleep for too long or else it will catch me, like the people who were having a sleepy. The void will catch me. The void is something that sort-of bites off bits of the plain, it's constantly consuming the plain. The void is an endless black hole, people say when you go down there you just keep falling until you die from starvation. I've nearly fallen, once I fell asleep and woke up right on the edge of the plain. It was then I realized I needed to run. If I don't run it will catch me and I will die. The only time I stop is to have a sleepy or to drink water+. Water+ is found in little water holes. It's like water but better because it's got enough nutrients so I don't need food. Your probably wondering how this all happened how a 18 year old girl like me now has to run every day of her life and can only stop when absolutely necessary.

Well back in the large land times (the times before any of this happened) there was an earth quake. Well we thought it was an earth quake but we soon learned it was something 1000 times' worse that would change life forever. I was at school when it happened of course everyone was scared and the earth quake was so violent many people died including my Mum, Dad and little sister. But soon people started to realize it wasn't just our country that was effected, the whole world was. And soon scientists started seeing something weird from satellites. Some thought they were broken but as they all started to see the same thing we realized this wasn't a mistake. The earth had flattened. Yes flattened. Like people hundreds of years ago would say if you kept sailing you would sail of the edge of the earth, well now you could. And as well as that the closer the void got the worse the land got and it turned into the plain. Everything that wasn't the sandy ground, people or the new water+ holes were slowly disappearing. Where the void was there was only plain for about 5000km. At first we thought they would come for us, that everyone else, other people would come for us and bring help, but they never did.

Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if I hadn't started off almost right next to the void. I wouldn't have to run every day, wow I can't even imagine life now without being tired all the time, or if there was still chocolate and nuts. Sometimes you very rarely find people with stuff from the large land times, like a nut bar or soup. Some people just kill them and take it but I'm nice I ask them and if they won't give it then I kill them. Although killing isn't such a big deal now it doesn't happen often people are to busy running. I'm lucky a managed to get a knife, water bottle (to hold some more water+) and a backpack from the large land days before the plain completely took over but I never brag that's just asking to die. I don't try to get within 20 meters of anyone either I don't trust anyone anymore, it's just too risky.

I better get running if I want to have time to get in a sleepy.

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