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One Year Later, Louis' 21st Birthday.

"Here's to another year!" Niall cheered, raising his glass, one arm around my shoulder. 

"And to many more after that!" Isaac followed suit, his arm around my other shoulder. They had become best of friends, being so alike that they just clicked with everything.

I laughed, still yet to touch my first drink. It was a day of celebration, but at the same time, it was the day that I had lost the love of my life. Zayn gave me a look of pity, since I had talked to him on the way here. 

My phone buzzed- it was Gemma. I had gone back over several times, and we enjoyed each other's company more and more each time. Anne had treated me like a son of her own, and I felt like it sometimes.

"Gemma's on her way over, she says she has a surprise for me," Smiling purely for the first time today, I raised the liquour to my lips. She always reminded me of how great things had been with Harry, and, although I didn't have romantic feelings for her, I knew that she was the closest person to him still alive.

Niall and his ginger mate let me go and danced around the pub, flirting with just about every girl that moved. 

Liam took the newly-empty seat to my right, laughing at their crazy bud. "We really haven't changed in a year, huh?" 

"Except that you're engaged, y'know, no big deal," turning in the bar stool and smiling at him and Zayn, I punched him jokingly in the shoulder. "Seriously though, I had no idea that was coming."

Zayn pressed a kiss into his fiance's neck, holding him around the waist from behind. "Yeah, I just, y'know, I felt like he was the one."

We chatted for a little longer until I saw the door open to reveal a bunch of brown hair enter. "Gem's here," I chuckled, waving her over. "You guys remember her, right?"

She walked over and reintroduced herself to the couple, waving briefly at the overly-drunk boys currently boasting about some camping trip they had been on, or at least said they had. 

After an hour of just random rambles about our lives, she turned to me. "You're not 37, aren't you?" The look on her face told me that she knew the truth already.

"I could try lying, but nah. Just turned 21." 

"How did you know so much about Harry, then? He was dead before you were born." Her eyes glittered with curiousity, and her firetruck-red lips pursed. "You aren't a stalker, are you?"

"It's a long story," I laughed, fiddling with a friendship bracelet on my wrist. Her child- Darcy- had made it for 'Uncle Louis', and I always had it on. "He came to me as an angel and told me everything." Scanning her for a response, I watched as she nodded, evidently taking it as an acceptable answer. "But he was reborn last year, and I've been waiting for him to find me since. I don't even know what he looks like now."

Gemma rubbed my back, sipping a little bit of her gin&tonic. "I'm sure you'll recognize him. Soul mates, y'know?" She gave me a pekish grin, earning a small blush. No matter how many times people say it- I love him- it always makes me embarrassed.


The night rang on, and I still hadn't finished my first drink. Zayn, noticing from the dance floor, let Liam off to the restroom and sat down.

"Feeling okay?"

"It's... unusual," my hand ran through my hair briefly, trying to put it into words. "it's the same feeling as when he used to touch me, y'know? That shiver-overheating-shudder feeling. How do I describe it?"

He made a small hmm, before shrugging. "Maybe he's here."

"Oh come off it," I laughed, sadly. "it's a small pub, I'd know."

"If you say so." He stood up and ordered himself another drink. "You won't know if you don't find out. I'll keep your spot, go stroll around."

Forcing a swallow, I smiled and started exploring the small building. Niall's arm snaked around my waist, pulling me into a waltz. "'appy birdday to you!" He smiled, drunk and stuttering. 

Laughing and joining in his half-ballroom half-folk dance, I let my worries go for a little while, but could never shake the feeling of Harry.

Because Harryharryharryharry.

Harry had never left my mind, not even in the year apart. Everything I did was Harry. He was all that I could think about, all I could dream of. 

I collapsed back onto the bar stool, panting and sweaty. Niall was the only other person I knew who was in so good a shape to be able to dance like that for that long- both of us playing footie every other night helps.

Zayn kissed my cheek as he and Liam were planning on leaving. "So we'll see you at about t-" He stopped mid sentence, and I heard Isaac yell 'No Way!' from somewhere behind.

My eyes fluttered open and my heart stopped. Standing in front of me was a tall, lanky boy with curly brown hair. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and white skinnies, with a red cardigan hung loosely around his frame. A smile was broad across his face, poking dimples into his cheeks.


"Hi!" he stuttered, still as awkward as I remember. I got to my feet, hands shaking. "Sorry I'm late, I had to check every pub in town. Didn't know which one you were at."

My arms reached out and brushed his cheek lightly. "Y-You're real?"

"Of course I'm real, Louis," His hand- large and masculine as always- covered mine, closing his green eyes. "I told you I'd find you."

"Oh Harry," Tears stung at my eyes, and I threw my arms around his neck. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too, sweetheart," his hands wrapped around my waist, and I heard Liam start sobbing to my side. He never could handle sentimental scenes. "Y-You said you had something you needed to tell me?"

"I love you Harry," my voice was shaking, and tears strung down my cheeks. "I've always loved you. Y-You're my everything, Harry, and it hurts so much being without you."

I felt him lift me and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his hips. "I love you too, Louis. I've wanted to hear you say that for so, so long."

My head lifted from his shoulder, looking into those bright green eyes that started it all. My eyes flickered closed and I pressed my lips to his. 

I love my Angel, my Harry, and now we're together.

Guardian Angel [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now