Chapter One

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This is taken from my AO3 account. Please do not report me for "stealing", as I'm Petiite on that site. Thank you, and enjoy!


Puff... Puff... My feet hit the pavement, one after another, as I tore through the back alleys. I was seeing things. I had to be. There was nothing natural about what just happened.

I was laying on the sand, only slightly aware to the chill that was dampering the beautiful sunset. My eyes traced over every cloud above my head, as my music drowned out the cheers of couples walking across the beach. Eleanor had broken up with me here just two hours previous, saying that I had been ignoring her as of late. My eyes, red and slightly swollen, closed as yet another couple passed me.

I sat up, hunching over to protect my legs from the cold, admiring the waves crashing against the shore. Scrolling through my phone contacts, I crossing people off in my mind. Liam and Zayn are on a date, Niall is performing at the pub tonight, Lottie is out with mum, ugh.  No one to talk to.

For a second, I could've sworn I heard a voice. A brief voice- not one I recognized, but comforting- ran through my head. 

"Great," I laughed, standing up and wiping the sand off my bum. "Now I'm going crazy." Still, I thought, looking around. Mum always said God would listen...

Rolling my eyes and making sure no one was near, I put my hands together to pray. "If there is someone who is up there, listening to me, thank you. I'm alone right now, and I'm afraid to stay alone for too long. Thank you for all of your guidance, and thank you for always watching over me. My name is Louis Tomlinson, and I need someone. If there is anything you could do, I'd appreciate it..." My prayer was cut short by a warm shudder going up my back, throwing my body into a state that I wasn't aware I had. 

Forcing myself to swallow, I chuckled nervously and took a few steps. I was imagining things.

"No you weren't," I heard the voice say once more, this time from behind me. I spun on my heel, and there was this boy. No, not boy. He couldn't have been real.

Right in front of me was a tall man, smile wide with dimples pressing into his cheeks. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a white cardigan. His curly brown hair laid across his forehead, and my breath hitched as I took it in.

He was floating.

"You called, and here I am! You didn't want to be alone, right Louis?" His grin grew, and he brought his shoulders up to a shrug. "My name's Harry."

"H-How are you doing that?" I breathed, both wanting and not wanting an answer. "That... floating thing...?!"

"Huh?" He looked down, before letting out a rich laugh and landing on the ground. "Sorry, forgot. I'm your Guardian Angel. Probably should've told you, huh?"

I eyed him once more, laughed only once, and then turned and ran. He obviously had to be a creeper, or a mentally deranged man.

My mind was racing almost as fast as my feet. Guardian Angel. There was no way. These things just don't exist. 

"Wait, don't run from me, Louis," His voice came again, sending a cold sweat down my back. My feet slowed down as I hit a dead end.

I turned around, breath heavy and short. He was stood there, smiling at me brightly, his eyebrows raised sympathetically. "W-who are you, really?"

His hand extended to me, gesturing for me to take it. "I'm your Angel, Louis." When I shook my head, he looked down briefly, before flicking his hair out of his eyes. "You prayed for me, and I came. Your girlfriend just broke up with you, and you wanted somebody to talk to. I know you, Louis. You're not crazy."

"T-this can't be real," I stuttered, pushing myself off the wall and walking past him- Harry, he said his name was. "Angels aren't real. You aren't real."

"That really hurts," He sounded fake-sad, and his hand caught my arm, turning me to look at him. "I am real, Louis. You have to believe me." 

His eyes were a beautiful green, sparkling and new. I noticed for the first time how there seemed to be a light glow behind his head, something pure from his body. "a-and if I don't?"

"Well, I'd be forced to leave you again." A brief flash of sorrow covered his eyes, before hiding behind a smile. 


"We met once before when you were little. You told everyone you loved your imaginary friend and you never went anywhere without him. That was me," he smiled, his cute little dimples pressing in once more. "You grew out of me, like everyone does when they age. I never left you, though."

I looked him over, squinting my eyes. "How did you know that about me?"

"Like I said," He smiled and looked away, visibly frustrated but hiding it. "That was me, and I'll do anything to have you believe me. What do you want me to do?"

There was a moment of silence as I thought about everything I've seen.

I broke my arm free. "Let's say I do believe you. Then what?" I strolled down the alley, shrugging to myself as he caught up next to me. "Can people see you?"

"Only if you want them to."

"Let them for now, so I don't look crazy talking to myself." Glancing around, I led him through the mazes of downtown. "But yeah, what does it mean if I believe you?"

"Nothing really, I'll be with you no matter what. It just means I can come out." Harry said sheepishly, following me as if it came naturally to him. "You can call on me whenever you need anything."

"Look, Harry," I sighed, trying hard to be polite. "I hate to do this, but I just don't believe this is possible." He looked visibly distressed, but nodded.

"That's understandable," he closed his eyes, putting his hands together and shrugging once more. "Then I'll go. But you can just call my name and I'll be there, okay?"

"Harry, got it. I'll do that."

"Good bye again, Louis." 

He nodded, before vanishing right before my eyes. I watched- in complete disbelief- as his wispy remains flew right into my chest- right into my heart. My legs went weak and I fell to the concrete. I had lost it. I was officially crazy. Laughing manically, I used the wall to stabilize myself. A glint on the ground caught my eye, and I reached for what seemed to be a small necklace. 

"What is this?" I lifted the chain to my face. The small green globe at the end reminded me of those beautiful eyes, and I instinctively put it on. "What am I doing," I laughed, catching a bus and heading home. I don't wear jewelry. and I DON'T believe in angels. 

Guardian Angel [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now