Chapter Two

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I laid in bed, holding the necklace up against the light pouring through my window. Why did I take this? Some girl is probably looking for it right now. 

"Lou, I hope you're awake! Your bus comes in twenty minutes- Don't be late to school!" Mum's voice was accompanied by her banging on my door. "I have breakfast for you, so hurry up!"

I listened to her footsteps, sighing before swinging my legs over the side of the mattress. I pulled on my uniform before half-assedly packing my bag. I subconsciously put the necklace back around my neck, hiding the chain under my collar. Scowling at my own actions, I left my room to visit the kitchen. "Morning mum," I smiled, kissing her on the cheek.

"Good Morning, love!" She handed me a plate with toast and scrambled eggs. "How was your date yesterday?"

"Eh. El broke up with me, I stayed on the beach for a while, and then came home." Pausing to listen to her coos of sympathy, I flashed over last night. "Hey mum? Did I ever name my imaginary friend when I was younger?"

"mmmm, I think so," She thought, tapping her chin in the way she always does when she's thinking. "I think it was Larry? Maybe Henry?"

Great. "Was it Harry?"

"That was it! You called him Harry and you never stopped talking to him. You even had me set a placemat for him some nights." She smiled, obviously reminiscing on my childhood. "Why ask now?"

"I had a dream about it last night," I lied, standing up and putting my plate in the dishwasher. "I'm off to school, mum. Love you."

"Great, just great," Growling to myself on the school bus, I looked out the window and listened to music for what felt like ages. A small punch to my side told me that Niall had gotten on. He took one of my headphones and put it in his ear.

"Uh oh, bad night?" The blond grimaced, listening to my death metal. 

"Single," I offered, shrugging. Do I tell him? "Apparently I was ignoring her."

"Sorry mate." He rubbed my back, giving me a look of sympathy. "You deserved better, that's for sure."

"Well duh," laughing loudly, I turned off my music and chat with him the rest of the way.

I couldn't focus on classes, and I ended up spending most of the day doodling the freak from last night- 'Harry'. 

"-ou, Lou?" Zayn's voice sounded concerned, and I snapped back to reality. I looked up and noticed the classroom was emptying. "It's lunch, or are you going to sleep through it?"

"S-sorry," I laughed, gathering my stuff and putting them in my bag. 

"Who's this?" he wondered aloud, his fingers tracing over a shoddily-drawn face. 

"You wouldn't believe me," I scoffed, throwing my journal hastily into my backpack. 

"C'mon, tell me," he kept insisting until we reached the lunchroom. "I really wanna know."

"Know what?" Liam smiled, pressing a quick kiss to his boyfriend's cheek. "What's Lou hiding from us?"

Groaning, I pulled into a seat next to Niall. "You guys would NOT believe me. Let me tell you, I don't even believe myself."

"Tell us, or we won't talk to you ever again," Li laughed, faking a pout.


"- and I swear, guys, he just disappeared. Poof, gone!" My head fell to the table, exasperated and tired. "I've gone insane, haven't I?"

"You actually SAW a Guardian Angel?" Zayn whispered, completely believing it. "And you just told him to leave?"

"I didn't tell him to leave, I just told him I didn't believe him! I thought he was deranged."

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