Chapter Nine

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After a quick celebration in the church, Zayn locked up and left the key, before we all headed back to my house. Mum had known that we were all going to be spending the night, and I had told her we were picking up a friend. 

"Welcome back," Her voice called as we came in the front door. "Be quiet, the girls just got to sleep. You were all going to stay in the den, right?" She walked over and smiled at us. "Hello dear, I'm Jay, Louis's mom."

"Harry," he grinned, shaking her hand. "I've heard a lot about you- don't worry, all good."

She gave me a look before waving us off. "Now go, go do whatever teens do nowadays. Don't wake anyone."

Harry and Liam walked ahead, sitting down on the couch in the den. Niall and Isaac immediately beelined for the kitchen, both being a bit of gluttons. I turned to my mate, who was eyeing me expectantly.


"You need to tell him," Zayn hissed, returning to my room for his stuff. Confused, I followed him up the stairs. 

"Tell who what?" I asked, furrowing my brows. "What are you talking about?"

He closed my bedroom door behind me and pinned me to the wall. "You need to tell Harry that you love him."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "Zayn, no, I just, no."

"He was almost gone forever, Louis," His face leaned in close to mine, the way he always does when he's frustrated. "You need to tell him how you feel. What if he never comes back next time? Then what? You can't just live like this forever. He needs to know!"

I was speechless, which he knew meant that he had won. "I-I.."

"Not now, but you need to tell him. Sometime today, okay? You can't wait much longer."

Nodding, he pulled away and grabbed out his sketchbook. He held my hand and took me downstairs.

It was around 2 AM and everyone was tired. We were done watching dumb movies on the late-late channels, we had already played FIFA twice(Niall winning both times), and now we were getting ready for bed. 

"I guess everyone has a partner, hmm?" Zayn smirked, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and gesturing towards us. "Guess it worked out that we could only savage three sleeping bags."

"No sex tonight," Niall huffed, aimed towards the couple to my left. "That was disgusting."

"We didn't have sex, Niall. We were making out. There's a difference." Liam blushed, crawling into the sack.

"Everyone just shut up," I laughed, clicking the lights out.

Harry was blushing as I zipped the sleeping bag around us. It was dark and my hands were fidgeting for an unawkward place to hold. I closed my eyes, willing myself not to have any sort of embarrassing dream. We could hear hushed whispers from the other sleeping bags, but we were silent, just barely touching. 

His body turned to face mine, and I could feel the curls against my cheek. His breath was soft on my face, and I could feel his hands softly caress my hair.

"Thank you, Louis," he murmured into my forehead, laying soft kisses against my skin. My heart was beating fast and I knew he could tell. "I was so happy that you were trying so hard to get me back."

"It hurt to be without you, Harry," I responded, nuzzling his chin.

"Of course it does," his voice was a little muffled, but still pure. "I'm physically part of you."

"No, not just that," I smiled, my nerves trying to take over. "I-I, uh, I..." Swallowing to calm myself. "I-"

"For god's sake Lou, just say it!" Liam cried from beside me, startling me up against the curly-haired boy and accidentally digging my nails into his hip. "God, you're frustrating!"

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