Chapter 1: Moving

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I'm 15, I should get a opinion on a decision as big as moving. I mean, why should, just because I'm still classed, well to my parents at least, as a child!
15 isn't a child!! It's practically an almost adult. Surely you agree! It must be my weird parents. We're moving today....yes today and guess where! America. I am moving to America. I am leaving my friends and family and packing up to move all the way to America. But most importantly I am leaving my boyfriend, the love of my life and I will not see him again for months. He said he didn't care. He said he was glad I was going, but that was when he was drunk so it doesn't count...does it? Maddie says it does count she says Alex is a bad person.
Maddie is my best friend. She has long, glossy brown hair and always wears it in a long ponytail. She says we look like best friends. I don't understand that. She's pretty. Really pretty and I'm, well I'm not. I have short red hair with lots of freckles, a small, snub nose and I'm very short. Well 5.4 that's short right? I think so. Maddie says I look gorgeous the way I am. She's a liar. Alex said I looked like a dwarf and someone has flicked me with dog shit. He was dru....oh who am I kidding...he wasn't drunk that time but he was in a bad mood.
"I love you!" Said Alex, being nicer than usual.
"I love you too!" I planted a kiss on his lips and he grabbed me and kissed me roughly on the neck and working down to my sticky-out collar bone. That's another thing, I'm so skinny. My nickname at primary was sticky, yeah I know, that bad.
" woah stop" I say batting him away and looking embarrassed at my family.
" why?!", He whispered his voice sounding angry, "you haven't left. yet but it looks like you've already got bored of me!" That's Alex for you, always blowing hot and cold.
" what, no! I...I", I started to whisper, "I don't want make out in front of my mum!"
" But baby it's the last time we'll make out for a long time!" He whined softening.
" Well ok...", I turned to my mum, dad, pixie and oliver, " mum I'm going to the toilets, meet me in the airport Starbucks,ok?"
My mum smiled, " sure sweetie, bye bye Alex."
Pixie and Oliver, my nine year old and 5 year old sister and brother.
Went to say goodbye to Alex he patted them both awkwardly on the head, my dad stared. I set off quickly down the airport corridor, pulling along Alex. Alex whacked me suddenly across the back hard, " stop pulling me you little tramp." Another thing about Alex is that he hits.
" sorry." I whisper, tears stinging in my eyes.
He pulled me into a toilet cubicle, I knew a rough love session was on its way.
*************************************Sorry for a boring first'll get better soon. Please vote, comment and recommend this fanfic which is coming soon with a new chapter.
Love you xxx
- Ruby ❤️

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