a nerd

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A SLUT - Ruby
A JOCK- Nick
A PRETTY - Rebekah
A CRAZY - Anastasia
A NERD - Kaname
A BITCH - Carmen

MIGRAINE Twenty One Pilots

Kaname Hino loathed stereotypes.

He loathed them with every bone in his body, his blemish that signified his culture and race. Who says a blonde isn't smart and must be a cheerleader? Who says that jocks were extremely manly and didn't like pink? Who says all Asian were smart and liked school?

Kaname was Asian and he certainly was not smart nor did he enjoy learning or being at school at all.

In fact, he barely passed school with a C minus average. He was also stupefied he hadn't gotten any detentions, or a call to his parents, for the amount of times he'd skipped classes, mainly mathematics because he hated that class the most. So much for stereotypes.

His parents were adamant he stay in school to finish his studies and go to a good college but if it was up to him, he'd been gone quick smart.

"Hey, China! Have you done my homework?" A boy snickered, and Carmen, one of the meanest and prettiest girls in their year, giggled.

"China? Honestly could you not think of a more creative insult? Also if you are going to stereotype at least get my race right, which is Japanese by the way moron. Alas, I have not completed your homework because I haven't even done mine." He sneered, the audacity of some people honestly for outstanding. Pushing past the boy to take a seat at the back of the classroom, furtherest away so he couldn't hear the teacher drone on about whatever formula we were learning today.

"Whatever China. Aren't you, like, worried you haven't done your precious homework? That's not like you, squinty eyes." Carmen replied, smiling like the bitch she was.

"If you knew me at all you would know I don't do my homework on a regular basis, generally I'm a laggard. Now fuck off and leave me alone before I put my fist threw your face." Kaname spat, turning to put in his earphones and slouch his his plastic chair.

Dragging his phone out of his pocket he checked the latest gossip. What he saw shocked him, Teenager girl raped. Michael, brother to Anastasia an asylum patient, was arrested this morning charged with raping a sixteen-year-old girl. Michael was heavily intoxicated with illegal substances and underage-

Fuming he sent a text to his ex-girlfriend. He knew immediately who the message was talking about. Although he broke up with her, it doesn't mean he didn't care about her, she was just too much for him to handle.

She replied a period later, during physics: I'm fine, Michael will be in court in September.

Guilt gnawed on Kaname but there wasn't much he could do. He knew this would only make Anastasia's condition worsen, but he knew he couldn't handle her when she got in her states.


He winced at the bad pronunciation of his name. No one could ever get it right. It wasn't difficult: his family and friends back in Japan got it easily. However nobody here understood. They didn't understand his name, nor his culture or race, or even himself.

"It's Kar-nah-may."

"Oh, yes, sorry. It's a very... Unusual name."

Actually it was a very common name. Just not here. Here he was austerely compartmentalise into a stereotype that Kaname did not desire.

After school Kaname stood alone in the old basketball court.

Gently bouncing the ball in his hands he waited. Kaname wasn't sure what he was waiting for but he knew it was never coming.

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