Voltron: Legendary Defender

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Since I am currently obsessed with Voltron here is a chapter for it.

Aries: Emperor Zarkon

Taurus: King Alfor

Gemini: Princess Allura

Cancer: Hunk

Leo: Lance McClain

Virgo: Pidge/Katie Holt

Libra: Sendak

Scorpio: Keith Kogane

Sagittarius: Shay

Capricorn: Shiro/Takashi Shirogane

Aquarius: Rax

Pisces: Coran



A/N: Oh my god I am currently obsessing over Voltron, so I made this. I know there are not many characters in  this show so it was kinda hard. I now live, breath, and worship Klance and it is now my otp and my religion XD. Keith and Lance are my cinnamon rolls. Comment below who you got and Enjoy! ~ Haru

💫ANIME ZODIAC💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora