Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

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Aries: Edward Elric

Taurus: Van Hoenheim

Gemini: Riza Hawkeye

Cancer: Maes Hughes

Leo: Jean Havoc

Virgo: Izumi Curtis

Libra: Alphonse

Scorpio: Roy Mustang

Sagittarius: Winry Rockbell

Capricorn: Alphonse Elric

Aquarius: Ling Yao/ Greed

Pisces:  May Chang



A/N: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood has so many characters so I cant fit them all in the zodiac so sorry if your favorite character isn't in it. I realized how I haven't updated it in a while sorry if you have been waiting. I got Izumi :)

💫ANIME ZODIAC💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora