Words Vs Silence

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Of all the people who keep silent after they went through extreme level of sorrow or happiness are the most sensitive of all, they find reasons and justifications for their silence no matter how drastically that silence breaks them inside. It cuts them off from social interaction and they feel their comfortable zone in loneliness.
They will try to hide the things even from themselves, but when it comes to the time they talk to themselves when they have nothing to do, they may regret at the responses they never made, with realization that all they did was cheating themselves they get to discover what they achieved with that silence or it proved to be just a disease for them.
For some it is the time they saved in just explaining their sides. For some it is the effort saved to think why it went this way and why silence was the only way out. For some it is the guilt that they chose the wrong way. For some it is the indecisiveness about causes of the happenings.
For me, Keeping my eyes closed for sometime, not letting anyone see through them inside my life makes me feel so comfortable when i do not have to let the world know what is just unnecessary for them to know, what is not important for them, what they cannot process and compile in a just way with a just value because they never been into the situation.  Days passing, time flying, life goes on. Nothing waits for the words. Words may not be worth the lessons learnt from things behind silences.
Words are sometimes not justifying whole thing, but the feelings CAN. Feelings refer to UNWORD TIMES better.

The whole thing took new level of understanding, words VS feelings
And between these two is SILENCE.
silence is justified...
Serving all times with loyalty.
The best expression and ultimate solution for and off all times!!!

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