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GUUUUUYS, read this chapter at your own risk. THE THING IS, this chapter deals with sexual assault so if you 110% can't deal with that stuff then do not read this chapter. Now, I love you all and if you still plan on reading this chapter then do so.

Getting a twin is like getting an assigned best-friend right at birth. That's the kind of connection that I had shared with my twin brother, Félix for as long as I can remember. So you can imagine my sadness when I had found out that along with my mother, Félix had disappeared.

But, when I had opened the front door, I had come face to face with the person that I had longed to see for so long. I gasped and immediately pulled my womb partner in for a hug. At first, he didn't hug me back but he gave in soon enough and hugged me back.

I laughed and pulled away from him, smiling at my beloved brother, "Félix, I missed you so very much."

He chuckled, "I missed you too, Sweet Adrikins. Sorry it took so long for me to meet up with you again by the way, I've been busy figuring some things out with my girlfriend, Isabel. It's a long story-Not that's it's a good excuse." Félix apologized but I quickly stopped him, feeling very grateful that he had been with me at that moment despite not being there for me in the past.

"No, no, no- Don't apologize, it's okay- Wait - Do you mean Isabel as in Isabel l/n?" I asked, very well aware that the odds were very unlikely but I've always been the type to jump to conclusions when excited.

His face contorted into a look of confusion as he slowly nodded, "Yeah, how do you know?"

I didn't respond, instead I turned my head around to look at y/n and motioned for her to join us. She smiled and walked towards us, this making Félix obviously confused.

That made it a good time as any to introduce him to her. I gestured to Felix and then to y/n and said, "Félix, this is my entire heart and soul; my wife, y/n l/n."

"So, this is portrait Félix?" y/n had asked me once she and Félix had officially met, referring to the dinner that she had with my family back when we were in collége and I had put up a family portrait of Félix and my mother to join us so that it would be like my entire family was meeting y/n.

As I looked back on that memory, I smiled knowing that there was one memory that I had shared with my father that I was happy about, though it didn't really help his case to know that the entire dinner was scripted. Otherwise, I would say that it was an overall happy memory because he had at least put in the effort to make me happy by tolerating y/n more than he ever did me.

Félix raised an eyebrow at me, asking, "Portrait Félix? Is that what I've been knocked down to?"

I laughed, "Fé, we have a lot of catching up to do."

As much as I knew that we would be truly as close to each other than we had been when we had been younger I did know that with him and my mother back, and y/n's family, y/n and I would have the best positive environment given to us that would give us a better chance of being the happy family together like we had always wanted. Everything was in place. It was the perfect storm.

This was all just a simple business transaction between Ashes and Inferno. Two different planets that were not even in the same universe. But, my parents had been telling me to make this business deal with Samuel since the very beginning of my life.

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