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The wind howled across the streets of Paris. The moon was high up in the night sky, glimmering, giving off the perfect view of Paris, France, the city of lights. There, stood the Eiffel Tower standing proudly, lit up. It was the seven year anniversary of when Marinette Dupain-Cheng, now Victoria Hart threw y/n l/n, now y/n Agreste off the Eiffel Tower. They were in the same position as they were seven years ago. Victoria planned to throw y/n off the Eiffel Tower to end her life once and for all.

"You can't do this. You'll regret it." I told Victoria, finding myself leaning against the ledge of the Eiffel Tower.

She only rolled her eyes in response, stepping closer to me. "y/n, you may be a part of Adrien's life right now but you won't be for much longer."

I thought about all of the great times that I had with Marinette before she had become this insane monster. We actually were great friends before I started having feelings for Adrien and Chat Noir, I just wished that after we did get together, Marinette would have been happy for us and move on but, it didn't happen.

My eyes stung with tears and I let them fall freely down my cheeks, "Why can't we go back to being friends? Why can't you just be happy for Adrien? For me?"

"Did I ever give you permission to date him? Or marry him? I don't recall such a thing, y/n!" Her glass eyes stared into mine, glaring with nothing but death and hatred in them.

She was seeking vengeance. Plain and simple.

"I'm sorry, it just happened! I never meant to hurt you but I just thought that even if I was with Adrien, we could still be friends."

"But we're not, now are we?" She reached into her handbag and pulled out a gun and pointed it at my face.

My eyes widened in surprise and my heartbeat accelerated, fearing that this was the end for me. Right here, right now.

"y/n, the last time we were both here I threw you off the Eiffel Tower seven years ago and Chat Noir caught you but you know what, Chat Noir is not here right now. He's asleep." She reached into her handbag once again and pulled out her phone, showing me a video of Adrien sleeping peacefully in bed.

Adrien was lying on the bed, half naked, with only his boxers, his hair being used as a bed for Plagg, as he slept in it, just as serene as Adrien.

"But this time I'm going to put a bullet in your pretty little head and then I will throw you off the Eiffel Tower." She said, pointing the gun at my face, showing me that her gun was fully stocked with bullets. Locked and loaded.

I bit my lip, knowing there was no way for me to get out of this one. "Fine, but you have to promise me that you'll treat Adrien right. He's been through so much and if you're going to do this, you need to make him feel special and loved."

She didn't say anything to that.

She pulled the trigger.


I gasped for air, my hand feeling my chest for my heartbeat, feeling as if Victoria had actually shot me with an actual gun, for I felt my head throbbing in pain. Luckily for me, it was only a nightmare.

Adrien woke up instantly and sat up and looked at me with a worried expression. My eyes stung with tears and Adrien pulled me into a hug so that I could get all my feelings out before I told him anything.

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