Capture the flag and claiming

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I pulled out shorts and a t-shirt and ran into the bathroom to change.

I heard the conch horn blow just as I came out of the bathroom. I dropped my PJ's in my duffel bag and sprinted to the pavilion. I quickly sat down and scraped a portion of my food into the fire, then walked quickly back to my seat.

I finished breakfast rather quickly and spun around on my seat to see if anyone was leaving. Percy and Annabeth were making their way towards me. "So Chiron said we should help you select a weapon," Annabeth said. I shrugged and followed them. They led me to the weapons shed. Percy pushed open the door and there was a loud creak. I followed the couple into the shed. I looked around for a weapon, a flash of bronze caught my eye. I made my way towards it, it's a sword. I pick it up and weigh it, perfect. I made my way back to Annabeth and Percy, hopping over stray weapons. Percy nodded approvingly at the sight of my sword. We left the shed.

"BEGIN!" Chiron yelled. The game is Hermes, Poseidon, Athena and Hecate Apollo. VS Hephaestus, Aphrodite, iris, Dionysus and everyone else, except, the rest of the Aphrodite cabin only piper is playing, all the kids with roman parents(they have business to attend to, and Nico.

The Apollo cabin is positioned in trees, with their bows and arrows. I'm attacking, along with the Athena, Poseidon(only Percy) and the really fast Hermes kids. I bounced on my toes, my eyes scanned the other side. I looked at my side and sprinted across. "Oi!" Someone yelled at me. I ignored them and continued running. I felt time slow and an arrow come towards me I sliced it in half, I even was slow. Right after the arrow was sliced I continued running. The flag! I found it. I ran to it and scooped it up. I made my way back to my side.

I reached the creek, sadly there was a wall of campers blocking me. I glared at them. By instinct my hand shot forward and the creek rose. It surrounded the campers and they all bunched together. I ran to my side, only to be stopped by a camper that escaped the water bubble. She held a sword to my neck. She kneed me in the chest and I was sent reeling back into the creek. I glared at her. She smirked, idiot, doesn't know what she got herself into. I unsheathed my sword. I leaped at her, hitting her on the head with the flat of the blade. She was quick to strike back, I parried and hit her. Only my team noticed, I tossed the flag to Percy and he took it and waved it in the air. We won! I grinned. The girl that I was fighting pointed to a spot just above my head. Everyone looked and then gasped. "All hail Riley daughter of Poseidon!" Chiron said. Everyone kneeled. They stood and my team walked to me. They gathered around me and dragged me off

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