Pop and shes gone

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( Edited )


"Baby girl I just got of the phone with your dad ,come on let's get your hands cleaned up and ice that cheek "He said wrapping one arm around my shoulder

( Next morning )

Gloria's POV

I groaned and got up to get ready for school ,I took a fast shower

Got dressed in-
Adidas sweatpants /Sweatshirt,Black 'MTV' tank top ,and comfortable shoes ,with my hair in a high pony

I grabbed my keys to the car and left without a word to the guys

(5 minutes later )

I was walking in the school parking lot when I heard the Bitch herself

"Yah she went crazy yesterday , I thought we were gonna need to call the cops "She smirked looking at me

"YOU FUCKING BITCH "I yelled storming up to her

My fist connected with her jaw a satisfying 'CRACK' echo through the dead silent parking lot

"OMG MY JAW AGAIN "Becky cried out cradling her jaw in her hands

"I swear Becky your asking for death wish" I stormed to my car going god only knows were

Blake's POV(after Gloria left)

The parking lot was quite and there was some sort of crowd all I'm thinking is


I bolted out of my car pushing people out of the way to see a whimpering Becky

Only one person could've done that....


"She was talking shit about some party ,your girl popped her in the jaw ,stormed to her car and was gone"Some guy said as people started to clear away

I walked up to the guys who looked confused

"Where's baby girl ?"Johnny boy asked

"Becky was apparently talking shit about yesterday ,kitten pops her in the jaw and leaves and I wasn't there to stop her or be there for her "I said pulling on my hair

"Don't worry she just needs to cool
of "Johnny boy said while walking into the school

"Yah I guess "I said then walked to the football field where the bleachers were

I decided to call her but it went straight  to her voicemail

"Baby please please when you get this pick up "I said before ending the one sided call

"Bro "I jumped at the sound of someone voice but relaxed once I noticed it was just Nick

"You should go to class ,it'll get your mind off of Gloria "He said sitting down

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