Mature Tessie

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Gloria Ramirez POV

As Cody and I were grabbing something to eat a group of guys who were quite rowdy entered the little cafe we were in and sat down at the table next to us .

" They seem to like to make an entrance." I said as I sipped my drink.

" Uh Tessie I don't want you to flip out but if I were you I'd turn around ." Cody said , I looked at him confused before turning around to see Becky and her little minions followed us .

" Fucking great ." I said as I turned back around .

" At this point, the bitch is asking for a Death wish ." Cody said he ate his food .

" I'm supposed to be mature Tessie not immature Tessie ." I said as I breathed out .

" Hi Blakey, how are you doing today?" Becky's obnoxious voice screeched to the group of boys next to us.

" I'm doing fine, Becky, how are you? " The guy she was talking to said with some slight irritation.

" Oh I'm doing good. I actually bumped into an old friend today from my old high school." She said .

" That's cool ." He said dryly , damn she really can't take a hint can she ?

" Do you know something really interesting actually she dated your friend Ryan." She said as her voice got louder, gathering some attention from the other people in the café.

Right after his name left her lips, horrible memories of him flooded into my mind.


I was walking in the hallway with my head hung low avoiding all the rude comments from all of my classmates. Suddenly, I was slammed against a locker. I kept my gaze on the floor until my face was roughly brought up to look him in the eyes.

"OPEN YOUR EYES " He yelled as he jerked my face with his hand.

Suddenly, he started dragging me to the janitors closet right after he closed the door he smacked me across the face.

This was Ryan, and even though he sleeps with every other girl, he passes for some odd reason he still insists on dating me.

In the beginning he was sweet and caring, and then he started sleeping around and hitting me whenever I tried to break it off with him. I got to the point that I was so numb and used to how he treated me that I gave up and just listened to whatever he said.

" KISS ME" He demanded I did as told but when he tried forcing his tongue into my mouth but I denied him . I felt tears slide down my cheek as I was wishing for this to be over.

He pinned me against the wall not softly but rather ruffly causing my head to slam against  the wall .

"Never deny me again, am I clear " He said in a low and threatening voice, I stayed silent big mistake.

"  I SAID AM I CLEAR ?! YOU WORTHLESS WHORE !! " Before I could answer he slapped  me before leaving me alone in the janitors closet .

After my beating he went over to
Becky and sucked her face off in front of me .

He said and I quote "you're a worthless whore and you deserve the pain you receive ,feel and see"

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