Can I sleepover??

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( Edited )


She came back a few minutes later still wobbling ,I motioned for her to come over and she ran/wobbled over to me and cuddled into my arms ,hugging my waist and burying her face once again in the crook of my neck and said something but because her face was in my neck it sounded like.....

Blake's POV

"Cwn e swep hwere "I chuckled I lifted her face up from my neck & kissed her softly but pulled away which caused her to pout ,I raised an eyebrow

"What was that babe " She huffed and her cheeks turned red? She's blushing

" Can i sleep here tonight" She asked and her cheeks tinted an even darker red

"Well of course babe ,but do I see my little badass chick blushing "I said poking her cheeks which resulted in her swatting my hand away

I kissed her cheek and she rested her head on my chest while I stroked her hair

"Baby are you okay " She buried her head into my neck and cuddled into me

"No don't you fall back asleep you need to eat " She lifted her head up and nodded

"Oh the guys are home "Her eyes widened and the blush that was just disappearing came back

"Were they home when....umm....well...yah know "I chuckled and hugged her waist

"No kitten we were all alone but come on let's go "She came to a halt....

Gloria's POV

"Baby why'd you stop "I raised an eyebrow

" Your taking me downstairs filled with guys and all I'm wearing is your shirt nothing under it "His eyes widen

"Right wait a minute " He left and came back with my bra/underwear ,his sweat pants /sweatshirt and his shirt

"Thanks "I changed and he once again grab my hand

I cuddled into his side ,I forgot to thank him for before he looked down at me and gently caressed my cheek...

"What's wrong ?"he asked

Blake's POV

While we were walking downstairs I felt Gloria cuddle further into my side

"What's wrong "She looked at me then   said just barely above a whisper

" I didn't thank you for before " I raised her chin

She looked up and standing on her tippy toes but was still to short so I had to bend down

She kissed my cheek and said

"For understanding I have issues from my past "I gave her hug

"Aw no problem babe "I kissed her cheek them stood back up , we continued down stairs hand in hand

"NO WAY I TOLD YOU SO " Nick shouted , Gloria leaned her head on my side cause she's to short to reach my shoulder

"Hey guys " All there heads snapped to me and they all smirked ,oh boy!!!

"Hey dude who's the hot chick and can I have a go after your done with her"Kyle said and winked well she didn't like that

I probably should've warned them she short tempered whoops services him right

She let go of my hand much to my dismay  and swayed her hips will walking up to a drooling Kyle

"Mhm he's already done with me you wanna try me out "She winked licking her lips

He nodded his head eagerly ,she wrapped her arms around his neck and I could feel the jealously ,she nipped his ear and then.....kneed him in the balls and walked back over to me

I wrapped my arms around her waist while she got her point across that she belongs to me and she can and will kill them if anyone of them flirt with her

After that we just got take out and watched movies

(2 hours later )

We were cuddling on the couch, her head was in my lap ,our hands intertwined and she had one hand reached up playing with my hair , while we were watching Chuckie with the guys

"You no I got pretty jealous earlier watching your hot little ass with Kyle" I whispered ,she smirked

"Aw my poor baby " She said pinching my cheeks in which I swatted away

"Mhm I did because-"I pauses and lowered my face inches away from her's and then continued

" Your my girl and I should be the only one you flirt with" I said then smashed my lips to hers

I trailed my lips to her neck and sucked hard she had to suppress a moan

She tugged my hair ,I moved my head to the side and she placed her lips on my collarbone but were rudely interrupted

"Hey you gu-oh shit sorry carry on"Jack looked away but I could see him smirking

"Ugh dude really ,you did that on purpose I can see you smirking "Gloria groaned at Jack and pouted

"Aw baby "I kissed her pout away she was about to deepen it but once again we were interrupted

" Ewwww guys really on the couch "She glared at Josh and flipped him the bird

"I swear to god your so annoying " She stated and sat up causing me to pout

So she sat in my lap ,I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head in the crook of her neck

Suddenly Gloria peeked up and I knew she had an idea

"Boys were gonna play....

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