Johnnys Date

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"You gonna tell me yours before i leave babe "she said moving to my eyebrow licking it and going back to play with my snake bites i stayed silent

"No well your in luck cause I already now baby or should i say Blake  I hate to say it but you've just been one up by me "with that she left me stunned

~2 weeks later ~

Gloria's POV

After the party the next two weeks have been really chill ,nothing to crazy just us really getting into a routine at our new home

Oh Johnny really hit of with Andrew there going on a date ,so we're gonna leave fifth period today to go shopping and get him ready for his date and just have our girl time

(Skip to the mall)

We just got to the mall and we need to find something for Johnny boy to wear

We found black skinny jeans ,a new leather jacket ,red checkered flannel ,black leather sneakers,a new Rolex watch ,and a golden ring with his birth stone which is emerald

Much of his protest I bought it all and took his credit card and money away so I could treat him

"Babe I told you it was my treat now before we leave I need some clothes "He suddenly came to a halt here we go

"Baby girl you should've said something sooner" Oh god I'm praying for my feet

So 2 hours later and 5 stores and a long trip to Victoria Secret we finally stopped to eat and I was happy

"Okay then we have to get shoes "I ended up with six dresses which were sexy yet classy

"Oh god no " He rolled his eyes and bit into his sub

"Yes now no fighting after heels we can talk about the perfect plan to get that perfect piece of man meat to yourself "I chuckled and finished eating ,see when I said girl talk I meant me spilling the beans on liking Blake and getting advice on what to do and how to see if he feels the same after 20 minutes of him squealing and making ship names he promised he would help me make a plan after we were done shopping

After getting 6 pair of heel to match each dress his idea not mine we left and i gave him his wallet back and headed home to get him ready for his date

(2 hours and twenty minutes later )

He's showered ,shaved ,dressed and looking hot ,the door bell dinged and I squealed

"BABE YOUR DATES HERE "he came out of the kitchen I gave him a kiss and he left

"ALEX /AARON ITS JUST US THREE YOU WANT TAKEOUT " There were feet pounding on the stairs revealing two sleepy looking twins

"Pizza?"I asked they nodded there heads and we went into the gaming room and played Xbox until the pizza was here

When pizza got here we went to the theater room and watched scary movies a few hours later the boys were asleep

"Alex hun wake up go to bed "I shook him gently he nodded his head an kicked Aaron who woke up and glared at him they both kissed my cheeks and went to bed

After taking a shower I waited for Johnny boy to get home

(3 bourse later (2am)in the morning )

I was starting to get worried 

"BABY GIRL" I heard his voice i sighed in relief and greeted him

"Hey baby girl " He jogged over to my bed side hugged me and talked about why he didn't answer me

"We had dinner and went to a club, my phone was on silent , I'm sorry I should've texted you the plans " He kissed my cheek and stroked my hair

"Come on let's go to bed and will talk about my date and operation get man meat "I laughed and we did just that

Turns out the date went so well there going on another one Friday ,after that we came up with the perfect plan ,Blake prepare yourself for a day full of teasing

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