Chapter 6

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~~~Time Skip to Spring Break~~~

You slammed your fists against the table. You were so damn mad at Sollux! Oh yeah forgot to mention: you and Sollux WERE dating until you found him cheating on you with Feferi.

*Past to when Sollux asked you to date*

It was Janurwary 8(Idk if it's a weekend but let's just hope it's not) and you finally got Dave off your ass. Another thing: it was your second week at this highschool.

You realized you belonged here with your new friends: Feferi, SolluX, Karkat, John, Roxy, Jade, Nepeta, Equius, Tavros and Jane. They all were amazing friends, all cheerful and welcoming. Thankfully you and John got over your fit of 'NOT BEING READY' and just stuck with being best friends.

A tap came from your shoulder and you turned to see a flushed Sollux with a lopsided grin.

"Um, {F/N], this might be a little to fast but I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me?"

Of course you said yes.

*A few hours earlier*

Walking through the park sounded like a perfect idea. The wonderful smell of nature filled your nose, but then your peacfulness was broken by hearing sloppy moans and sounds of making out behind a tree.

Bleh, you though. But just for fun you wanted to know who it was. They probably went to your high school.

Unless they they were middle school kids, in that case even more yuck.

You rounded the tree to find your boyfriend of two months, kissing your friend. Tears fell. This was the worst way to spend your spring break. You broke into sobs, interrupting the couple.

"Oh no... {F/N} it's now what you think"

"No, it is! Don't try to cover your terrible doings!" you screamed at Sollux, once again letting out your British accent out.

Great, you never told your friends you had a British accent but now some of them did know.

You weren't mad at Feferi at all you knew she had a HUGE crush on Sollux ever since you started dating him. You were mad at yourself, you knew this would happen. You should've just said no to dating Sollux in the first place! For crying out loud you didn't even get to KISS Sollux in this relationship and now here he was, kissing Feferi.

Now you wondered how long they were together? Man, was Sollux a player. Your heart broke right there when you realized that you got played.

Turning on your heel, you made from your house but not before spitting into Sollux's face.

You sneered, "We're done if we WERE even anything".


Every time you remembered the incident, the more you became depressed. Right after you got to your house there was pounding on the door and Sollux screaming to let him in. That went on for at least an hour. Was Sollux still out there? Nah, he was just a idiot trying to get back the girl, proving that you were weak and forgiving.

And that was exactly why you stayed seated at your desk.

Your phone rang. You sighed and picked it up. It was John, thank god it wasn't Sollux.


"Hey {F/N} I heard what happened"

Fuck how the hell does he know? Wait it might be something else.

"What happened?"

"{F/N}, you couldn't have already forgot! Sollux cheated on you!"

Fuck fuck fuck.

"How do you know?"

"I saw Sollux at your door, he was crying, I asked him what happened and he told me"

Damn maybe that prick was caring. Nope, you refused to consider.

"Welp, nothing gonna change what happened" your voice broke.

"{F/N} are you crying"

"Of course not" you said as you struggled to keep your cool.

"That's it, I am coming over"

"Ok" you hung up and sighed.

You were actually happy someone cared for you. But you guessed it was all a lie. Just great.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Your heart pounded, you were cuddled up against John with your head on his lap and him stroking your hair. You loved it and you needed it too. You inhaled the sweet scent of him.

He smelled like fresh air(Whatever that smells like), blueberries and soap. You felt comforted. Slowly your eyelids closed and you feel into a nightmare free sleep.


Dave X Reader X DirkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon