
979 30 5

Hi hey hello!  I'm jack or goop. Ikik wierd right. Anyways.
I just wanted to make this book,  cause,  I'm mentally fucked up and I need to put it somewhere. Now,  I don't own any of the characters or art,  unless It Is my art I did then I will say,  but mostly it isn't gonna be mine.
This story is recommended for older teenagers and stuff. As for smut,  wich gets,  ERM, uhhh, yull see, and I bet,  alot of y'all will be under the age I recomend,  so just read at risk.
I will try yo update as much as I can,  but my parents Like to check my phone and I'm in the middle of school. So I am very busy,  as along with band.
I like to write,  as I have another account @Jack-Quak is mine,  but my parents only know I have that,  shhhhhh it's our secret.
Sorry for rambling,  but as I said,  I'm jack or goop,  (I am a boy), and read at risk. ;3
That's not even what I said... Anyways bye

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