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"Ariana wake up" Alexa shakes my body violently, "I will drag you out of bed and you will hit your head on the floor" she threatens me. I stretch my legs out and rub my face, softly grunting as I wake, I peek my eyes open to look at her.

"What time is it?" I ask in a raspy voice

"Almost noon. Get up" she says and gets off the edge of my bed. I roll over and grab my phone off the nightstand to see I have more texts from Justin

"Why have you been sleeping so late?" Alexa asks and fixes her hair in my bedroom mirror

"Because I've been staying up late texting Justin" I say and open his texts

"Ooo" Alexa shimmies her shoulders and looks back at me, "What do you guys talk about?" She asks

"Stupid shit" I say

"Is that where you were yesterday?" She asks, "With Justin?"


"You sure spend a lot of time with him" she says and plops back down on my bed, "You're like never here"

"I know, I'm sorry" I sigh and rub my tired eyes, "He's so needy"

"Don't be. I don't care" she laughs, "It gives me more time to be with my boyfriend" she smirks

"He's not my boyfriend" I roll my eyes, "And when did you and Shane get back together?"

"We never broke up, I told you that. We were just on a break" she says carelessly, "He's on his way over, that's why I woke you up"

"He's what?" I say in a panicked tone, "God dammit Alexa, why didn't you tell me?" I kick off the blankets and rush into the bathroom

"Chill out" Alexa chuckles, "It's not like he's going to judge you for waking up at noon like I am"

"Yeah but still" I groan and run my toothbrush under the water before quickly brushing my teeth

"You should go out with Justin" Alexa says suggestively and shrugs her shoulders

"No way. I spent all day with him yesterday" I say and rinse my mouth out

"Yeah I know, but you talk to him everyday anyways" she says, "You guys should hang out tonight"

I narrow my eyes at her and watch as she looks innocently at me

"Y'all are gonna fuck aren't you?" I ask knowingly

"No!" Alexa scoffs and stands up straight, she swallows and looks away from me

"You filthy whore" I shake my head at her as I pull out all of my makeup

"I can't help it, he's hot" she groans

"Mhm" I hum

"Why don't you just worry about your boyfriend" Alexa says and slides my phone across the bathroom counter to show me Justin's texts

"He's not my boyfriend" I repeat and ignore my phone

"You want him to be though" Alexa teases me, "I see your face when you text him, the tone in your voice has changed when you talk about him too" she smiles knowingly

"Yeah because he's slightly less of a douche than I thought. I don't hate him any less" I roll my eyes

"Yeah ok" Alexa chuckles, "But for real though, Shane is probably going to want to fuck, so u might not wanna be here" she says cautiously

"I have to work today, so it's all good" I say

"Oh you do? I thought you were off?"

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