Nana nana............. BATMAN!..........all about the timing :3

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"Ready to get your A to the S to the S kicked!" I yelled at Haku. "I would appreciate it if you didn't cuss." He replied. "I didn't I spelled.......... A cuss word. But I didn't say it! Not only are you a to the s to the s, you are very inaccurate!" I said back. I cannot believe he just blamed me for something I didn't do! Bad Haku! Bad! "Fine then can you please not spell a cuss word nor say one?" he asked. "sorry dude it is one or the other.......... not everyone gets what they want." I replied. "Fine then............... spell it." he said after a moment of thinking and Sasuke and Naruto are just standing aside giving as a WTF look. "oh look! Its Opposite Day! Congrats ass face!!!!!!!" i said. I'm so~ smart! "Yea.......... ok." He replied with zero amusement what so ever, he should really losen up a little. "so um...... should we start the battle now Haku or now a.k.a ass face." i asked after a short awkward silence. "sure but can you not call me a ass face." he asked before throughing more needles. "First of all that was not nice we are in the middle of a conversation so i will keep on calling you a ass face until you prove you are not one. Second of all it is a better nick name then you could of got i call Sasuke a lot of diffrent names, Zabuza is Mo-Mo, and drunk tard is well.......... drunk tard. I have called him that so much i forgot his real name." after my little rant Haku decided not to give one fuck and started to try to kill us all again, and he wonders why i call him a ass face! Dodge, dodge, dodge, and more dodge is what i am doing right now......... weklll everyone in the ice dome is doing right now and i guess out sid the dome too. Besides Sakura and drunk tard, they are some lazy peoples. But what every one here dosnt know is that i have wached too much 'Death Note' for my own good so on the inside i can be a supper genius. Think, think, think,think, i need to think of a plan to get us all out of this! Then it happened. I remember what happened. Sasuke has a life/death experience. Naruto goes cray cray. If i can get Haku mad enough at me he will through the needles at me. Haku might not die. Maybe thing will change for the better but how? I got it... Now is the time. It is now or never. "Nananananananana............................................ BATMAN!" I screamed taking attention off of the two males that was also in the dome with me. That must have hit his last nerve but it worked. The needles where heading straight tords me. It looks like they are going tords some vital spots. 'please..... please dont tell me that i pissed him off enough to make him actual want to kill me for real. This is the first time in a long time i had a.................... a family and i dont want to lose it so soon. Why must i be so stupid.' Then it happened........... they hit my body. Holy crap the pain was horrible i feel like he did that on purpose. Before i blacked out i could see two unclear figures running to my figure. It realy reminds me of what happened when i first came to this world. Hopfuly it wont also be what makes me leave it. "Please, dont let them die............ they are good people on the inside." i whispered before i let the blackness take me in........ Just for a little while. When i wake up Haku better be alive with Zabuza so i can kick his ass.

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