37. No.1 Party Anthem (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"And me too," Miles added, standing behind Alex and cracking his knuckles in a rather obvious manner.

"If you ever do anything to hurt her then we'll be coming for you before you even know we're there." Alex threatened.

"Yeah, we're mafia blood now mate. I don't think you want to tangle with us anymore Sharrock." Miles almost laughed, but tried his hardest to maintain his serious tone.

"You understand what we're saying here? She's our family and family takes care of their own." Jay looked visibly frightened by Miles and Alex for a moment until Alex smiled. " We're just playin' with you mate." He moved back, clapping Jay on the shoulder with a friendly pat. Just as he did he got a text from Cat

'Stop intimidating my new meat and come inside you 'wankers' ' It read causing Alex to laugh at Cat's attempt at slang.

"Guess that's our cue. Truly though, remember what we talked about here." Alex said opening the door. Miles shot Jay a look as if to say he was watching him before following Alex inside.

Instantly both boys realize what the ladies had been working on. The whole house was decorated with black and red decorations and fresh roses. The kitchen was filled with food already and a huge container of freshly made margaritas. There was also a black and red Cake with Miles and Alex's names scribbled in frosting. It looked to be Alexa's messy writing. Out in the yard lights had been strung up all over giving the space a warm incandescent glow. Matt had his DJ equipment as well As Alex and Miles' speakers set up in the yard and everything smelled of delicious Barbeque. Of course, all their friends were already hanging around in their bathing suits by the pool with some of the most ridiculous party hats Miles and Alex had ever seen.

"Kitten! Did you do all this?" Alex exclaimed walking over to hug Cat.

"Alexa and I are more than willing to take all the credit, but Matt did help a little," Cat admitted.

"We figured since you two weren't going to have a real wedding when the time comes we should just go ahead and party now," Alexa said running over to hug both boys.

"You guys really didn't have to do all this."Miles tried to hide his smile with his hand as did Alex. They were both blown away.

"We didn't really do THAT much. Just went and got a little carried away at party city this afternoon." Alexa insisted.

"And Let Matt stay here and get a little too intimate with our grill. I think he's fallen in love with it." Cat laughed.

"Now go run along and change. This is a pool party and you two are much too overdressed." Miles and Alex didn't need to be told twice. They ran upstairs trying to change as quickly as they could. Both boys couldn't seem to wipe the smiles off their faces. This was a better surprise than they ever could have imagined.

Once back downstairs in the kitchen, Alex caught sight of Nick who was grabbing himself a margarita and ran over to him tackling him into a hug, and causing his drink to fly everywhere. "NICK I'VE MISSED YOU!" He yelled at him. Miles laughed, from the look of it Alex might not let go of Nick again for the rest of the night.

"Hello to you too Al." Nick laughed, hugging his childhood friend and bandmate back.

"It's been too long! I'm not used to not used to seeing you for so long. Matt's been to visit, saw Jamie when we went to see The Strokes, but I've been missing a heavy dose of Nick O'Malley in my life." Alex exclaimed.

"You could have just come to see me. I'm at home most of the time with the family anyways." Nick insisted.

"I've been so busy, though. What with the wedding, Moving, the record, and telling Miles I've been secretly in love with him for years there's not been a free moment in my schedule."

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