Chapter Eight

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I  woke up to hear slamming doors. I could just barely see a truck and five sets of legs, and the legs were coming closer to our car. I looked in the car to see it being empty. Where was everybody? I didn't have the time to wonder. I grabbed a pistol and started to crawl out of the truck.

"Over there!" I heard a guard shout. I quickly stood up and ran. I ran faster than I ever could. I could see bullets hitting the ground next to me. I found an alleyway and sharply turned into it. I ran down it and tried to find a hiding spot. I then saw a bullet hit a rock and it flung up, nearly hitting my ear. I started to run out of the alley. I turned around to see a grenade gun. It was pointed at me. I got out of the alley and then the grenade hit the building at the end of the alleyway. The building exploded and I only flew about one foot off the ground. Not that I haven't been through worse.

Once I got back on the ground, I realized where I was. I saw a place that I haven't seen for a couple days now. It was The Beacon. I can't believe it! Wait, that means I can get into the market from here! I started running  towards the entrance. When I got there, I saw Samus, Gretchen and Lizre entering. Thank the lord!

"Where have you been?" Gretchen asked me. I shoved her in and shortly followed. We got into the market, but it was unrecognizable. There was almost nobody there. All of the tents were abandoned. We saw some people, but they were all walking out of the market. Lizre led us all to the booth where Steph works or worked. Jamie, Stepharie's sister, was there talking to Steph.

"... So they decided to kick everybody out, and if anybody stayed, they would get arrested," Jamie was explaining.

"What?" Lizre asked. "What about the doctor?" Why did she care about the doctor?

"He was sentenced to death row right away. Apparently, he's been accused of over 50 cases of rape. They sure don't like it," Steph told her. Lizre seemed to become deflated after she heard that. We then headed a metal cloak cover from outside the tent. Samus peeked his head out to see what it was. One he pulled his head back in, we knew was bad.

"A gas grenade," Samus told us. Jamie then went behind the counter and pulled out five gas masks. She handed all of us one. Once I got mine on, I heard the gas start to get released.

"What about you?" Steph asked to Jamie.

"I have a secret exit, but since I'm not a fugitive, I won't have the risk if the Guard found it's exit into the city," Jamie told her. They hugged and then Jamie ran. Steph grabbed a gun that was also hidden under the counter. She also pulled out a couple knifes and a sword. She handed me a sword thing that didn't feel like a sword. We all ran out to hide in between the small houses.

Soon, we saw Guard members coming around. They knew we were here. It was a bit hard to see because of the gas. That could be our advantage. I saw a guard coming my way. I quickly went behind a house. Once I saw the guard turn the corner, I swiftly cut his chest with the sword. He fell down to the ground, and when he did another one turned the other corner of the house. I turned around to see him take a shot. I dodged it and it shattered a window. I then use the sword to cut off his arm, but before he could scream, I stabbed him in the chest.

I started to walk around the corner when I heard a giant shatter of glass. I ran around and saw Stepharie in a house now, on top of a dead Guard member. She jumped out and headed a different direction. I turned around and saw another member headed towards me. But before he could get a shot on me, Samus jumped out of the glass door and tackled the guy. I released a sigh of relief. Samus then grabbed my arm and we ran out of the houses. I saw Steph, Gretchen and Lizre fighting their way out of the market.

I then heard a loud boom. It didn't come from behind me. It came from above me. That was right. Above the market were empty, useless buildings. We saw the ceiling above us blow up and we ran. We quickly got out of the range of the building. It crashed onto the ground and we jumped. I turned around it to see it starting to fall. I grabbed Samus and ran faster than I just was. We were about 10 meters away from the exit when we saw we wouldn't make it. We fell down so it would be less painful. We heard a giant clank. We were ready to die.

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