Chapter Four

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I'm now 12 years old. One year ago, Samus had engaged to his girlfriend. One year ago, Lizre disappeared for about two weeks. 

Luckily, it was only the flu. I found out she got it and hid herself at a doctor that helped give out illegal medicine. She didn't tell me what happened there, but I don't really care, because she was back. She's helped me with the more vigorous training like parkour. The worst thing that's happened to me so far is smashing through a window of a Fragment apartment building. Luckily, Lizre knew the person who owned the place. Otherwise, I would've gotten killed.

Today was the One-Year anniversary of Samus and his wife getting married, so he was out with her. He trusted me, so I was working at the bar today. Over half of the people who go there now know me. Some of them even know me more than Lizre, which surprised me, because she has been an actual Fragment for so much longer, but they know me more than her. That's very weird. The bar was mainly self-serve, but I was still there to get rid of any of the people who were causing a ruckus. 

My mom and dad still think that I'm working at the palace, but I have a feeling that they are starting to get a little suspicious, but for the most part, they still trust me enough to let me work at The Beacon.

"Hey Jordy!" A boy came bouncing in. His name was Drace. He was my co-worker here at The Beacon. He seemed mad once Samus said that I would take over his spot today. Drace has been here for about a year or two longer than me and he's about 15.

"What's up Drace?" I asked him. I was in the middle of cleaning a glass that had some blood spit into it. I still remember the fight that the cup caught in early in the day. It was nasty, but Drace split it up and shoved them out of the bar and they're banned indefinitely. 

"We've got some drunkards in the back of the bar. Can you come help me deal with them?" Drace asked me. I nodded and put the glass down onto the bar. I jumped over the side of the bar and started to head towards the door that led to the back. Drace and I made a deal that I'd deal with drunkards, he'd deal with fighters. I saw the two drunks making out with trash cans.

"Hey guys, those aren't the girls you're looking for. You gotta go home for those," I released. The guys then stopped and turned their heads to look at me. Drunkards do not look like that. They usually have beer stains on their shirts, but these stains weren't beer. They looked like blood.

I turned around to get Drace, but he was already there. He scared me, so I fell right onto the floor. I got up and dusted myself off.

"Drace, we've got a coup---" I was cut off, because one of the guys grabbed me by my left arm. I then flew back and my other arm was grabbed. I screamed and started to kick around. Then I felt a hand on each leg. I was trying to get out of the grasp, but I couldn't move.

"DRACE!!!! HELP!!!!" I screamed to Drace, but he stood there, smiling. No. You have got to be kidding me! Drace pulled a knife out of his pocket.

"You owe us big time for this, Drace," the man holding my right leg and right arm said. I saw the guy on my left start to bend down, so I quickly tried to fling my left foot up. I hit the man in the face and he let go of me in pain. I flung my left leg then into the gut of the man holding my right side. He dropped me, and the second he did, I jumped onto the dumpster and climbed up the rugged side of the wall.

I got to the roof when I saw Drace following.

"NO MONEY FOR YOU IMBASALS!!" Drace screamed. I then ran across the roof of The Beacon. It was next to another random building, so I jumped over to that building. I went running from building to building until I felt Drace was no longer following me. I then bent down, breathing hard.

All of a sudden, a sharp pang went into my left leg. I screamed in pain and fell onto the gravel at the top of a building. I turned around to see Drace slowly walking towards me. I started to cry. Drace then pulled out another knife from his other pocket. He flicked it open.

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