Chapter Two

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I woke up to a knocking at my window. I looked over, but it was just a gray blob. I grabbed my glasses off of my dresser and saw the thing that was at my window was a cat. I haven't seen any cats around my house for a long time, since my dad was allergic. I walked out of my bed and opened up the window. I heard the normal morning noises of the soft wind and the leaves of the trees blowing against each other. But I also heard a voice.

"Come here, Zateur. Daddy wants you," I heard the voice say. I looked down to see Samus stretching his hands out under my window. Samus? What was he doing here? I'm guessing he recognized me as much as I recognized him.

"Hey Jordy!" Samus yelled up to me. I saluted him. His cat then jumped off the windowsill and into my room. Uh oh. I tried to get the cat, but it ran under my bed. Luckily, I was small enough to fit under it. I grabbed the tail of the cat, so it ran out from under the bed. It then jumped onto my dresser. From there, I grabbed it and showed it out the window.

"Thanks Jords, but can you now bring him down for me? I don't feel safe about dropping him," Samus informed. I nodded my head and took myself and the cat out of the windowsill. I then walked over to the door and slowly turned the knob. I stuck my head out to see if either of my parents were there. None from what I could see. I pushed the door open a little more for the cat and I to get out and I slowly tip-toed down the steps. I saw mom at the table and dad sitting on the couch. I quickly, yet quietly walked to the door that led outside.

I opened the door and walked outside. Samus was standing there, starting at the cat and I. He smiled as I shut the door. I handed him the cat and Samus stuffed the cat's head under his beard and onto his chin.

"Thanks, dude. At least it was your house, not a random Intact's," Samus chuckled. I laughed too, because that was right. But what was Samus doing around here? I thought he hated Intacts, so why would he be in an Intact neighborhood?

"So, what's your cat's name?" I asked him. Samus then pulled the cat out from under his chin and handed the cat to me. I put it in my arms like how I would hold my baby cousin, DeWay.

"His name is Zateur. He was my ex's cat. She threw him out the window and that's what caused us to break up. It actually happened just about a half hour ago. That's why I'm here. She was an Intact. I should've known that she couldn't have been trusted," Samus told me. He knew he couldn't trust an Intact, yet he's talking to me.

"Why do you trust me? I could turn you into the palace for many reasons," I told him.

"But you won't," Samus replied to me. I took a step back.

"How do you know that that's what I would do?" I asked him. He then took a step towards me.

"Because, Lizre trusts me and you trust Lizre. Also, your not the kind of Intact that would do that. You're different," Samus said to me. I'm different? What did he mean by different? He then took Zateur back from me.

"Anyways, see you at The Beacon?" Samus asked me. He stated to walk away, so I had to kind of yell my answer, but quietly.

"If I can," I responded. He then laughed and walked down the street. I turned back to the door of my house. I opened the doorknob to see both of my parents standing there. Crap.

"Jordy. What were you doing outside this early in the morning?" My dad asked me. I walked into the house and shut the door behind me. I then started to walk towards my dad to give him a hug, but he pushed me back.

"Okay. I will tell you. I went to The Beacon last night and -" I was cut off, because my dad slapped me. Since it was unexpected, I fell to the ground. I can't believe it. My dad just slapped me. My dad was the peaceful one, yet he just slapped me? I did up and got another slap, but this time it was from my mom. This was a little more expected, so I fell back against the door. I finally stood straight up and got the sold from my mom.

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