Chapter 9.

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When I wake up its because Curtis has woken me up. He tells me to help bring in the groceries so he can cook dinner. I nod and bring in some of the groceries. Once they were all brought in, Curtis tells me to do whatever until dinner is ready so I get my laptop and bring it into the living room and start to play games on ArmorGames. Curtis soon comes into the living room and hands me a box of the complete cookies and a glass of chocolate milk. I smile and thank him before opening the box and eating one of the cookies.

The cookies are giant but also delicious. Soon there is a knock at the door and Curtis yells "Come in" and then Gabriel walks in. When he comes into the living room I am eating my second cookie. Gabriel angrily yells "Curtis! Get in here!" Curtis rushes in and says "Whats wrong?"
"I said he could have a little junk food, a LITTLE!" Gabriel says,
"But it's healthy cookies" Curtis says and gives Gabriel the box. After reading, Gabriel sighs in relief and says "I'm sorry for snapping"
"No harm done. Why are you here by the way?" Curtis says,
"I decided I need to do a blood test with Erik. Just to make sure of something. I've got everything I need so I can do it here" Gabriel says, Curtis nods and I shake my head "No" and back away onto the couch. Curtis sits down next to me and holds me and says "It's okay. It'll be over soon"  I just let out a shaky sigh and nod.

Gabriel takes a few vials of blood from me and puts them in this little box. I'm assuming so the blood doesn't go bad. Curtis then says "Wanna stay for dinner? I'm making egg roles with the dango and onigiri" Gabriel smiles and says "Sure. I'll help cook" after getting everything put away, Gabriel and Curtis head into the kitchen.

I finish my cookie and just play games until Curtis comes into the room and says "Dinner is ready" I smile and get up and walk into the dinning room. I sit at the table and Curtis hands me a plate. I don't eat yet, I wait for everyone else. Once Curtis and Gabriel have their food that's when I eat. I eat the onigiri first. It's really good. Next I try the dango. It's these little dumplings on skewers. I bite one dumpling off the skewer and chew. It's covered in this sauce that's sweet and salty but overall the entire thing is tasty. I eat the rest of the dumplings on my skewer and look at the two other skewers on my plate.

As I continue eating, Curtis and Gabriel are talking but I'm not paying attention. But after I finish my last onigiri I decide to listen in.
"The principle is saying that the person who put those pictures of Autumn in everyone's lockers will be expelled. Autumn is also being suspended for blowing a guy in school" Curtis says.
"I wonder who did it. Do you think Erik did it? You said he was a troublemaker" Gabriel said.
"Erik has a valid story. He has two people backing him up and the second person is the principle" Curtis says. I smile because I know I'm not gonna get in trouble.
"Why are you smiling?" Gabriel asks me, Curtis looks at me and I'm quick with my response.
"Because I didn't do it. See? I'm not a bad kid." I say.
"I know your not a bad kid" Curtis said.

After dinner Gabriel went home. Curtis did the dishes and I took a shower. After my shower I went back on my laptop and played Epic Battle Fantasy 3. Never played it before but it seems like a really fun game. The first dungeon is a forest and I just keep slaying the forest vermin because one important part of gaming is grinding. It took awhile but I got a lot of skills for my characters. One skill is called judgement. Is this pillar of bright white light that deals a lot of damage. I play until Curtis tells me it's bedtime. I shut down my laptop and Curtis kisses my forehead and then I take my laptop and head up to bed.

As I lay in bed I think about what I did to Autumn and I hope I don't get found out. Within a few minutes I fall asleep.

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