Chapter 7. No, not him!

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When I wake up I'm thirsty. I sit up and realize my laptop has been turned off and has been set on this desk  along with my headphones. I look to see where my phone is and see its on the nightstand. I grab my phone and head downstairs to get something to drink.

Once I get downstairs, Curtis comes up to me and says "I was hoping you would wake up soon. We gotta do some shopping" Curtis seems pretty excited about something. We get in the car and head to Market Basket. Once inside, Curtis grabs a cart and starts leading me down the oriental aisle. Right before we go down that aisle I see him. The man who murdered my parents. I immediately kick Curtis in the calf and run off with hopes he would chase me and we would be away from him.

I run until Curtis catches me. He turns me around and says angrily "I'll give you 5 minutes to explain why you kicked me" I start to cry and I say "It was him! I saw him!" I cling to Curtis and start to sob. Curtis understands who I'm talking about and rubs my back and says "Don't worry, we're leaving" Right before we can leave the guy suddenly appeared behind Curtis and said "Excuse me, may i please speak to your son?"
"No" Curtis says rudely and tried to walk away from him. When the guy grabbed Curtis' arm, Curtis immediacy flipped him over his shoulder. He stepped on the guys chest and started to put a lot of pressure on it. A lot of people were crowding around and Curtis said "You already killed his parents, what are you gonna do next, kill him? Or are you gonna kill my and leave Erik as an orphan like you did so long ago? I have a .45 magnum and don't think I'm afraid to use it. If you ever come near me or my son again I'll blow your fucking head off!" A police officer pulled Curtis away from the guy and said "What the hell is going on here?" Curtis forced himself free from the officer and snapped "This piece of shit murdered my son's biological parents!"  Before the police officer could say anything I was immediately grabbed. I screamed and struggled to get away and then I heard a gun shot and blood and brain matter splattered all over me. The feeling was awful and I scream bloody murder. Curtis tried to grab me but I didn't know it was him  and I punched him as hard as I could in the chest. Once I realize what I've done I try to apologize but nothing comes out. I can't speak, so instead I cry and sob again.
"Erik, it's me, Curtis, it's daddy. It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm gonna take you home get you cleaned up" Curtis slowly outstretched his hand and touched my shoulder. When I didn't hit him he hugged me tightly and said "It's okay baby,  daddy's here"  I turn my head to look at the guy but Curtis immediately grabbed my head and turned it so I was looking at him.
"It's okay, daddy killed him, everything's okay now" Curtis says. He tries to get me to move but I can't. I try but I just can't move. I can't even cry anymore. I'm just standing there, silent, unmoving and covered in blood and brain matter. Curtis picked me up and started to carry me outside but the police officer stopped Curtis and said "We need to take him to the hospital to have him evaluated. I'm pretty sure he's traumatized" the police officer tried to take me from Curtis but I wrapped my arms around his neck so they couldn't take me away from him. I'm really scared, I need my dad.

After 5 seconds of struggling to get me away from Curtis, Curtis says "I'll take him to the hospital. He really needs his dad right now" the police officer started to argue but his partner said "He's right, let him take his son to the hospital" then the police officer sighed and said "Fine, we'll be waiting for you at the hospital" Curtis then rushes me outside to his car. He tried to set me in the car but I wouldn't let go of him. I was too scared to let go. "Please let go, I need to take you to the hospital. I know your scared but i promise I won't let anything bad happen to you. I would never allow anything bad to happen to you" Curtis said to me in a gentle tome. I believe Curtis. He has never done anything bad to me. Ever since he adopted me he has only shown me love and kindness. He proved he loves me and cares about me. He has never hurt me. If Curtis says he won't let anything bad happen to me then I believe him. I let go of Curtis and he set me in the passenger seat and buckled me in. Then Curtis immediately got in the drivers seat and started speeding towards the hospital. He was able to avoid every car but there were two cruisers chasing us. Curtis ignored them and sped to the parking lot by the emergency room. Curtis parked the car and got me out and rushed me inside. As soon as we were inside this police man grabs Curtis but Curtis kicked him in the knee and said "You almost made me drop my son. He has been through hell. Look at him!"  The officer looked at me with disgust. I must look horrifying and absolutely disgusting with all the blood and stuff on me. "One of your men told me to meet him here. I need to make sure my son is not traumatized." Curtis didn't even have to say anything to the nurse at the front desk. We were immediately taken to a room. In a few minutes a nurse came in and said "He needs a bath and to get changed into this gown"
"I'll bathe him. After everything that happened I don't want anyone I don't know touching my son" Curtis says, the nurse nods and leads Curtis to this room where this tub of water sat and beside it was a box of Irish spring soap. Once the door was closed Curtis set me on the floor and started to undress me while saying "It's okay Erik, I'm just gonna clean you up. It'll be over soon and then you'll have something clean to wear" I just nod and when I do Curtis smiled lightly because it's the first sign I've shown that I understand him. Once I'm naked Curtis sets me in the bath. He then goes over to this closet in the room and grabs a wash cloth and a towel. He comes back over and sets the towel down beside the tub and wets the washcloth and gets it all soapy before starting to clean me.

After awhile I was clean. The white washcloth was stained red with blood and the color of the water was a disgusting pinkish reddish color and the bits of brain matter that was on me now float in the bath. Curtis picked me up out of the tub and dried me off with the towel and then dressed me in the hospital gown. It's an actual gown, not one of those robes you have to tie in the back. Curtis carried me back to my room and I saw a nurse holding a bag from McDonalds. She said "I was so horrified when I was your son earlier, I can't even imagine what he went through. I felt so bad I got you guys dinner. I didn't know what you guys would like so I just got you guys
Big Macs and fries. I also got you guys dessert. There's two apple pies and two strawberry and cream pies." She set the bag down on my bed and left but not before she tussled my hair and said "Your okay now" Curtis set me down on my bed and went through the bag. He handed me two boxes and put another two  boxes on one of the chairs by my bed. He left the fries and the pies in the bag.

Curtis doesn't eat, instead he tries to get me to eat, but I don't want to eat.
"Please try, you need at least a little something in your stomach. Even if it's just one bite" One bite? I think I can manage that. I open my first box and pick up the Big Mac. I just stare at it for a few second before I take  a big bite to make Curtis happy. I start to chew and when it's all chewed I swallow. I felt a little better once I swallowed. I saw that Curtis was smiling lightly, happy that I'm finally starting to show a sign that I'm okay. I think I can manage a few more bites so I take another big bite and when I do Curtis smiles wider. I didn't think I would be able to but I finished my Big Mac. Curtis throws away my empty box and takes my last  Big Mac and sets it on the nightstand by my bed.

Curtis still doesn't eat. Instead he makes me lay down and tucks me in, saying "Try and get some sleep before the doctor comes. It's okay, your safe" Curtis said the last part just to reassure me everything is okay. I close my eyes and try to calm down. I just can't stop thinking about everything that happened. I curl into a ball on my bed and try to sleep. After a few minutes, I can hear Curtis open one of the Big Mac boxes and finally eat. It's hard but after awhile of convincing myself I'm safe I fall asleep.

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