1- Welcome to Baylor Academy

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"Everyone, give a warm welcome to Franklin Iero!" Ms. Maxine said,

It would've been okay if she hadn't pronounced my last name like ear-uh and if she hadn't called me Franklin. The other students didn't seem fazed by it though, they just said hi with a bored expression on their face as I walked into the Commons area.

I trailed my eyes across the open area that housed about 30 tables and 260 chairs. My eyes settled onto a table that was relatively empty, besides a boy with black hair. I decided I would sit there, because he seemed like the least intimidating of all the 190ish boys in the room. Not that I got intimidated easily, I just didn't know what exactly went down in this school.

I made my way and set my pack down on the table in a rather noisy manner, the heavy books slamming down loudly. It at least signaled to the boy that their was someone else sitting at the table, and he looked up at me from his laptop.

His face showed the three thoughts that were probably going through his head. Who? What? Why? He decided it wasn't a huge deal and dragged his eyes back down to the computer.

"I'm Frank," I said casually and tried to start a conversation with the boy. It took his at least three minutes to reply. He was probably waiting for me to go away.

"Pete," he muttered and started typing something on his laptop.

He looked kind of annoyed that I was talking to him. He was probably doing something important on his laptop, but I didn't really care that much. I continued to make dry conversation.

"How many years have you been going here?" I asked, inspecting my nails while the principal continued to announce names to welcome people as they arrived.

"Does it matter?" Pete sighed and looked up briefly from his laptop.

"Sorry, just trying to be polite," I help up my hands in defense and fought back a laugh. I grimaced as Ms. Maxine announced two people particularly loud.

"Everyone, give a warm welcome to Mikey and Gerard Way!"

Pete looked up at that, as well as everyone else in the room. Every head turned to look as a boy with unruly black hair and another with a blondish, messy faux-hawk walked into the Commons. They both were, of course, wearing the designated uniforms with the school's symbol embroidered in the breast pocket, but they made it look 100 times cooler than anyone else in the room.

The one that I assumed was the eldest, the blonde one, looked entirely too excited to be here while the younger looked entirely too pissed off to have arrived.

Who I assumed was Mikey made his way over to a table that was whooping and hollering his name while Gerard made his way over to a table, with arms crossed, crowded with boys that looked disturbingly cooler than the rest of the room.

"Can you explain... That?" I asked Pete hesitantly.

"Gerard and Mikey Way. Parents have sent them here every year for the past five years of Gerard's and four years of Mikey's lives. They're what makes this place... Interesting to say the least," a smirk settled on his lips as his eyes trailed over to Mikey's table. Mikey caught his eye and Pete threw up a discreet middle finger that Mikey replicated.

"Are you guys friends?" I ask, trying to comprehend their interactions.

"Possibly, maybe," Pete said and smirked

I just shook my head and laughed slightly. "Why is that whole table eye-murdering every boy in this room?" I pointed to Gerard's table.

"Ah, yes. The cool guys. They've all been going here for five plus years and they're basically fed up with everyone." Pete leaned across the table to whisper something to me. "They're basically the dealers and stealers around here. You pay them in information, they'll get you what you want. I wouldn't get on their bad side."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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