Jinseok (Boys24)

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You are on your way walking home from school.

It is so hot today, the scorching sun almost burn your skin. So, you decided to buy some ice creams from the convenience store.

'Thank you. See you next time.' You leave the store with a bag of ice creams in your hand.

You see two familiar figures when you turn around the corner. It is Jinseok and your junior, Sohyun. You immediately hide yourself behind the vending machine.

You remember Sohyun told you that she is going to confess to Jinseok today. But, you never thought that you will bump into them here. You decide to eavesdrop on their conversation behind the vending machine.

'Jinseok sunbae. I... I like you. Can you please be my boyfriend?' Sohyun's face is as red as tomato. She hands a box of chocolate to Jinseok.

Jinseok stops walking and turns around. He has one of his hand in the pocket and another hand holding his bag on his shoulder.

'Sohyun, I am sorry but I need to reject you. I have someone in my heart right now.'

'It is okay. Does she know that?'

'I don't think she knows it. She is always slow especially when it comes to feeling.'

'Sunbae, thank you for answering me. Wish you good luck!' Sohyun fakes a smile on her face. She leaves the place with tears in her eyes and disappears in the crowd.

'Such a pity girl. She is so courageous.' You mutter softly.

'Who is courageous?'

You jump in shock and fell onto the ground. 'You... you...How you know I am here?'

'I know you were hiding here since the start. You were eavesdropping on our conversation. Don't you?' Jinseok helps you to get up from the floor.

'Erm... Yea... No... I am not on purpose. I just happened to pass by here.'

He shrugs his shoulder. 'I don't mind. Let's have our lunch together.'

'Okay.' You pat the dirt on your skirt away. 'But the way, Jinseok a, who is the 'someone' that is in your heart right now? You never told me that you like someone before.'

'Are you curious about it?' He puts his hand over your shoulder.

'I am not. I am just asking.' You push his hand away.

'Tsk. I can tell you if you want to know it. Come nearer, I will whisper it at your ear.'

You go nearer to him. Jinseok kisses you on your cheek. 'It is you. Pabo.' Your eyes widen and you stand there like a log. Jinseok runs away leaving you behind. 'I will give you three days. Give me your answer, or else I will take it as a 'yes'.' 

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