Changmin (Boys24)

196 6 3

Place: Room

You lay on your bed lifelessly, you stare at the white ceiling, and your mind is totally in a mess right now. The 'Laughing' doll beside you keeps laughing front and back. There is a big contrast between you and the laughing doll.

'It's funny when you find yourself Looking from the outside I'm standing here but all I want Is to be over there Why did I let myself believe Miracles could happen? 'Cause now I have to pretend That I don't really care'

The song played by the radio, 'When there was me and you' by Vanessa Hudgens, reflects how you feel right now. You feel that you are so stupid, and insane.

Flash back...

You go home earlier than usual after work. You are so happy and you keep thinking what you are going to do tonight with Changmin. You have messaged Changmin about this, but he does not reply your message. (He is probably still busy with his work) You think.


You unlock the door, and enter the house. You feel that your heart almost stops beating. There are clothes all over the floor, not only male's but also female's. You take a closer look at the female's clothes. It is not yours, but whose? You wonder.

You shook your head, not allowing yourself to think too much. You believe that Changmin will not do something that you are thinking right now. You just put your stuff in the room and start to clean the living room.


You sit in the living room and waiting for Changmin. You have prepared all the food and served them on the table. You glance at the clock on the wall. It is almost nine and Changmin still have not come back.

You are drinking water in the kitchen when you hear someone unlocking the door. You see Changmin enter the house with a girl beside him. Both of them are drunk.

Changmin pushes her on the sofa and takes off his shirt. They kiss. They hug. And they start making love.

You clench your fist hard. You can't hold it anymore.

You rush to the living room and push Changmin away. 'What are you doing right now?' You ask.

Your anger grows when you notice that the girl on the sofa is your best friend, Yein. You pull her hair and shout at her. 'You little bitch...!'

Slap. You feel that your cheek is burning. You cover your cheek with your hand and stare at Changmin. His face is very dark.

'What do you think you are doing right now? Huh?' You snarl at Changmin.

'Get out from my house now!' He says, coldly.

'You are the one that should leave this house! You are the one that have done something wrong!'

'I don't care! Just get out and don't appear in front of me anymore!'

You look at Changmin, you feel speechless. 'You will pay for what you have done today!' You take the cake on the table and slap it on Changmin's face. You grab your stuff from the room and leave the house.

End of flash back...

You grab the crystal ball that Changmin gave you during the Christmas last year. You throw it severely on the floor. The crystal ball shatters into pieces, just like your heart.

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