Chapter 36 - If Only It Had Been Different...

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Cheng Hao turned and pointed at a stunned Bi Liang "I actually didn't want to come in the first place, this guy forced me to! Although I might actually thank him later as this is getting interesting!"

Cheng Hao turned towards the blind man that was still patiently kneeling on the ground "Now... Ge Bin... The blind, loyal dog of the Golden Tiger faction. Ops, sorry, you are not actually blind, how silly of me! Sorry, it was a mistake, I hope you won't mind..."

Ge Bin almost paled after hearing his words and kept his poker face, only showing a glint of fear and admiration as the corners of his mouth twitched. Of course, that was noticed by both Cheng Hao and Bi Liang.

A person in the crowd stood up "That is impossible! I have checked his eyes' reactions many times, they don't react at all! Even their Qi passages are blocked and..."

Cheng Hao smiled "Oh really? Would you like to make a bet with me? If it is as you say, then I will bow down, call you grandfather and apologize to you all, if it is not..." Cheng Hao chuckled evilly "Then bark as a dog for a day"

The man paled and trembled for a bit: he was the doctor and expert in medicine in the group and he had analyzed Ge Bin way back and confirmed that the man truly was blind and it was not a mere act. He inhaled, gathered his courage and headed towards Cheng Hao and Ge Bin, Ran Min still standing there not daring to move.

"E-excuse me!" The man approached Ge Bin. The man kneeling on the floor lowered his head and apologized "I am sorry, La Dan...". La Dan shook his head "No, it is not your fault, it is that brat that-" "No, I'm sorry for making you bark like a dog for a day..." Ge Bin interrupted.

La Dan paled and he hurriedly removed the cloth covering Ge Bin's eyes: when he removed it, Ge Bin looked at him and innocently said "You lost the bet because of me, I apologize!"

"How... How can this be... I-I checked him way back and the meridians around the eyeballs didn't hold an ounce of Qi inside them, they... They were destroyed! And why should he act as if he were blind in the first place?" The man yelled.

Cheng Hao patted his shoulder, although he had to stand on the tip of his feet to do that, and told him "He fooled you into thinking that because men unintentionally lower their guard around people they judge inferior to them. Could anything be better for a spy than to be ignored?"

Cheng Hao smiled seeing that La Dan was absorbing information like a sponge, listening intently to his explanation "There are many ways to fool a man as trusting as you. For one, it would be if two twins swapped places, another one would be to use some special medicine to block the Qi flow in a special section of one's body, you see..." Cheng Hao specified.

"Qi not flowing doesn't mean that the meridians are destroyed... To make sure of that, you need to check wether the Qi is gathering on their ends or is flowing on as if those meridians had never been there: the first case would be our case, that the medicine blocked the Qi flow in the meridians but only stopping it, making it gather there with only a tiny bit continuing on its path. That is because, when the effect of the medicine vanishes, it would begin to flow back as before!"

La Dan listened to his words and pondered, taking mental notes, and then kowtowed "Senior Cheng is so considerate and generous! To give me this much information although I have erred and put the safety of my whole faction at risk I, Da Lan, will gladly act as a dog for a day, hell, even for a year or for my whole life if it means to repent!"

Cheng Hao nodded and lifted him placing his small hands on La Dan's large shoulder "I see your vigor and loyalty! What dog and dog, just reflect on your mistakes and do not make them again! Cultivate and get stronger and if you will I will forgive you and even help you in your cultivation the moment you tell me so!"

Immortal Ascension Tower - Book 1: Reborn! [CH 1 - 75]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz