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I ran into my house and shut the door. I saw Vic on my couch as I walked to the laundry room. "Finally."

"It's only ten. Usually I don't get home till midnight. What's up?" I replied. I grabbed a towel and dried my hair as I walked back.

"I was wondering if I could stay. I haven't seen you in a couple days and I leave tomorrow."

"Yeah. Anytime babe." I answered and kissed his cheek. "Cmon. I'll show you to my room."

"I know where it is. I tried to find you." He mumbled. I sat on his lap and smiled. I pecked his lips. "You're so hot in a suit."

I blushed and he grabbed my ass. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you more. Especially your ass."

"Not my sassyness or face?" I teased.

"Nope. Just your ass." He joked and slapped my ass. I giggled and got up.

"I'm gonna go check on my mom and change. You can call the Chinese place in my phone. Ask for my regular and whatever you want." I said.

"Okay." He mumbled and I went upstairs. I changed out of my damp suit and into pyjamas. I saw Vic's clothes on my bed and smiled. I went to my moms room and smiled at her.

"Hey mom." I whispered. She smiled at me and I hugged her.

"Hey sweetie. Vic is here."

"I know. How are you?"

"Good. Doctor said I'm almost cleared up." I smiled.

"Mama that's great." I replied and hugged her. She hugged back and kissed my cheek.

"Go see Vic. I'll come down in a couple minutes."

"Okay. Love you, mom." I went back downstairs and sat beside Vic. I cuddled into him and smiled.

"Why do you come home so late?"

"I'm a lawyer. I don't have a rockstar schedule." I replied and smiled at him. "I wish I did. I would get so much more sleep."

"How much do you sleep?"

"Three to six hours a night. And maybe I can take a nap at my desk." I answered.

"You need to sleep longer." Vic said.

"I know." I mumbled.

"Come with me for the first week of warped and the last. Please?"

"Okay. I can always take off work." I mumbled.  Vic kissed my cheek.

"You should pack. Cmon. I'll help you." Vic replied. I got up and grabbed his hand. The doorbell rang and I grabbed my wallet. I paid for our food and went upstairs.

"Mom, come in my room when you get up." I yelled. I opened my closet and pulled my suitcase out Vic grabbed his food and started eating.

I went over and he gave me a bite. I ate it and pecked his lips. I bent over and heard Vic clear his throat. I giggled and grabbed some of my shorts. I put them in my bag that was beside him. I grabbed my pastel shirts and threw them in the bag.

"Close your eyes." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just do it." He did and I quickly put my jock straps in my bag. I don't wear boxers. I wear jock straps. I love them. He opened his eyes and I blushed.

"Why is there a giant dent in your bed?" Vic asked.

"That's where I sleep every night. It can get lonely so I sleep in the middle with all my blankets and pillows."

"Well, you'll have me for the next week." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I put a pair of TOMS in my bag and smiled.

"Is this how you're debuting your new boyfriend?" I teased.

"Yes. Other than the random pictures of us on Instagram. Everyone is wondering who you are and I'm going to tell them." He answered. I blushed and pushed his hair back. He slid his arms up to my waist and gripped them tightly. I smiled and he sat me on his lap.

Vic kissed me and I put my arms around his neck. I kissed back and he gripped me tighter. I pushed him back and moved my hair with one hand. "Huh. And I thought Kellin was a bottom. Learn something new everyday." I heard my mom say.

I pulled back and blushed. "I am a bottom mom."

"Some Mexicans, no offence Vic, are here. I don't know who they are. They said they knew you and Vic." She said.

"They're my band mates." Vic replied. Mom nodded and left. I soon saw them at my door.

"Told you we would find it." Jaime said.

"Jesus you have a lot of stairs." Tony panted and bent over. Mike slapped his ass and Tony whined.

"Not really." I mumbled and moved my bag. "Come sit Tony."

"Thank you. Mike doesn't understand the pain." Tony said and sat beside me. He fell back.

"You're just mad because I wouldn't carry you."

"Having a dick shoved up your ass is okay during sex. But the morning after hurts like a bitch. And Mexicans have big dicks so take that into consideration next time you fuck your husband's brains out. Okay? Okay." I sassed.

Jaime and Mike laid on my bed. "Bottoms are weird."

"How do you know I have a big dick?" Vic asked.

"I've sat on your lap plenty of times Hun. Plus Danielle was talking to some girl about it. Trust me, I have connections every where." I winked at him and kissed his cheek.

"Think you could get us a gig at Maddison Square Garden?" Jaime mumbled.

"Probably. I know the guy who manages the shows so." I trailed off. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through my contacts.

"You have a lot of contacts."

"I know a lot of people in high places. It pays off. I travelled around between college and met a lot of people."

"Damn. You really are privileged." Jaime said.

"Don't say that word around him." My mom said as she came in.

"Yeah. Really." I replied and texted him.

"But you have so much." Jaime replied.

"And I worked for every bit of it. So, if you think being bullied from thirteen to eighteen  and then being raped at fourteen is privilege, you need help." I said.

"Wait, you were raped?" Vic asked.

"Yeah. Nothing I could do. I'm a fucking twig. Plus it wasn't my fault and I came to terms with that. I'm fine with sex." I replied and looked at Vic.

"Sorry Kellin." Jaime said.

"It's fine. People think I'm a snob and that I'm stuck up. But I'm not. I just work hard."

"You were the kid who always had his nose in a book." Tony said. "I went to school with you."

"You did?" I asked.

"Yeah. You never ate at lunch. You always did your homework or studied or read. You had no friends. You didn't take the bus because I was on the one you were supposed to be on. I saw you walk home every day." Tony said. "You were always in pastels and black."

"Yup. That was me. In my senior pictures, I had a bruise on my jaw and I black eye."

"Wait, let me see." Vic said.

"I don't have that picture. Hell no."

"You're no fun."

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