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I laid in bed with Vic, his back to mine. It was almost two am and I haven't gotten any sleep. Lord help me. I felt Vic roll over and hold me. I smiled and put my hand over his. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I heard Vic groan and pull me closer. I smiled. "You don't have boobs!" He screamed and sat up. "Oh my god. Did I sleep with you?"

"No." I whispered and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and saw him taking the pills I left out for him. I looked at the clock. "Shit." I got up and went to my closet.

I walked in and grabbed a suit, a pair of boxers, and a pair of shoes. I stripped and pulled the clean boxers on. I started putting my suit on. I was pulling my shoes on and walking when I fell. I felt two arms around me and Vic pulled me up. I smiled at him and did my hair. I pulled my watch on and grabbed my briefcase.

"Cmon. Your place is on the way to my office." I said. He nodded and grabbed his clothes from last night. I ran to my moms room. "I love you so much. A nurse will be her soon. Okay?" She nodded and I kissed her head. "I love you."

She pulled her oxygen mask off. "I love you too." She said in a raspy voice. I smiled and left.

Vic was already in my car. "What does your mom have?"

"Stage three lung cancer. Highly unlikely she'll get better. I'm paying for her treatment since she doesn't have insurance or anything because she can't work." I replied.

"She'll be okay. I know it."

"Can I go to work with you? I don't wanna be alone." He asked.

"I guess. It gets pretty boring. If you want."

"Yeah. Thanks, Kell." He replied.

I drove to my office and got out. I grabbed my case and swiped my key card. I unlocked it and went to my office. The day consisted of Vic asking about a bunch of law stuff and me helping people. He wasn't aloud in so I sent him to my file room to file stuff. I finished with my last client and went to my safe. I grabbed a couple hundred dollars and Vic came in. I gave it to him.

"What is this for?" He asked as he gave it to me.

"You helped me today. I'm supposed to pay you." I explained.

"No. That's not necessary." He said. I put it in his boxers. "I'm a stripper now?"

"Sure." I replied.

"That's really uncomfortable. Where's the bathroom again?"

"Second door on the right." He left and I went to the car. He came back a couple minutes later and I smiled at him.

"I don't need your money."

"And I don't need your dick sweat." I sassed.

He rolled his eyes and I started driving. "Can you take me to Mike's? I need to go cry to my brother." He asked.

"Sure. Where is his place?" I asked as we stopped at a stop light. He put the address in my phone and I followed the directions. "I've been down here before. I go to that studio over there and do body painting." I replied.

"You're a model?"

"Hell no. I hate my body. I paint people." I answered.

"I'll have to come with you one day."

"This Saturday. Noon. We are painting for a mural. We need more models if you can stand still for hours."

"Trying to see me naked, Quinn?"

"You still wear underwear. And I might put pasties on you." I answered.

"You didn't answer the question. Thanks for the ride." He said and hugged me. I hugged back and smiled.

"Bye, Vic." I replied.

"Bye, Quinn." He got out and went inside.

Vic's PoV

"Oh. Fuck, daddy!" I heard Tony scream.

I shrugged and walked to their bedroom, only to see them not there. I walked to the room they don't allow us in and saw Tony getting fucked. He was all tied up. "Sorry to ruin the fun, but I need to talk to one of you." I said. Tony looked over as soon as I started talking and grabbed a sheet, quickly covering himself.

"Jesus. Fucking tell us your coming. I was about to finish." Mike said.

"Leave so I can finish him off. Five minutes tops." Tony said.

"Fine. Be quiet." I replied.

"I can't promise anything." Tony yelled as I shut the door.

"Who said you were coming anyways?" I heard Mike say. I went downstairs and put headphones in, listening to music.

A couple moans later, they both came down. I took my headphones out and Mike sat next to me. His hair was wet, so I knew they showered. I laid my head on his chest and he played with my hair. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't know. I got drunk last night. And Kellin was telling me what happened. But I feel like he didn't tell me something."

"That you called him cute repeatedly?" Mike questioned.

"He didn't tell me that. But I'm straight."

"A drunk mans actions are a sober mans thoughts." Tony said, coming back with drinks.

"Do you think he's cute?"

"I mean, yeah. He's alright. He asked me to model for him." I replied.

"Like, sexy model?" Tony added.

"No. He does body painting. And I didn't know. He told me he goes to that studio down the road. He just said he does body painting. I asked him if he models. He said he hates his body. And it honestly crushed me. Because he does have a nice ass. But he wants to paint me this weekend. And when I asked him if he was trying to see me naked, he avoided the question."

"Looks like you got a hard crush. I was drunk when I asked Tony on our first date. I didn't remember the night and he had to tell me about it the next day. Now he's my best friend, husband, little baby." Mike replied.

"But I'm straight!" I added. "So what if I think he's cute and has gorgeous eyes and a nice butt and an amazing smile?" I rambled.

"Vic, you didn't even say those things about Danielle."

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