Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Her hair in that gif oh my god <3 So I'm really upset that this chapter was a lot longer when I had it in a word document and now it's not??? Wtf. Also, do you guys want me to link the playlist for this story in the epilogue?

"Stop! Don't move!" A soldier shouted, while they all pointed their guns at me and Alex. 

I looked to Alex, my eyebrows raised to signal him that I had a plan, but that was ruined when there was a fluttering sound getting closer and closer. I looked up and saw Angel flying towards us, a determined look on her face. "Get down!" I shouted, ducking behind Alex while the rest of the soldiers ran for cover. I grunted when I was knocked down, my arm on Alex's shoulder to see if he was okay after the fire ball impact. He ripped the disc off of his suit that helped him use his powers meaning he had been hit since it was melted. "You alright? Aside from that?" He nodded quickly when we noticed Banshee rise from the water and get Angel off our asses. Unfortunately, the soldiers still wanted us you go with them. 

Alex stood, pulling me up with him and we began walking to wherever they were taking us. I had my arms about my head while I glared at the ground, looking up when I felt Alex nudge me. "Cover your ears." He said, motioning towards where Banshee was making his way back to us. I obeyed, watching the soldiers fall to the ground from the sound waves. 

We ran, jumping towards him as he flew by, grabbing onto his arm and leg. We began soaring back to the shore, Alex full of excitement as he chuckled. Too bad it was cut short when Angel spat acid on Sean's wing, causing it to disintegrate and make him start dropping in altitude. "Sean..." I said worriedly we got closer and closer to the ground at a rapid speed. "Sean!" I shouted, causing him to pull up a little to soften the landing. I rolled multiple times upon impact, a grunt sounding from my mouth when I stopped. Angel was once again flying over head, my rage getting the better of me as I focused all of my attention to her wing and watched while it began to break apart, sending her hurtling towards the ground. 

I stood, brushing myself off in the process. The sound of something hitting the ground behind me caught me off guard as I whipped around to face it. I saw the red man on top of Hank, getting ready to kill him with his tail when Shaw appeared from the submarine telling him to stop. My eyes widened as I readied my attack, only to stop when Hank tackled the teleporter to the ground and Shaw turned out to be Raven. I sighed in relief before walking over to Hank and giving him a short hug. 

"Today our fighting stops!" Erik's voice broke through the silence. Everyone looked up towards him while he brought Shaw's body out and dropped it in front of us. Erik was now wearing Shaw's helmet and he looked to all of us with a different type of emotion on his face that I've never seen on him before. 

"Oh good God, Erik... What have you done..." I mumbled while he glided down, Hank's hand latching onto mine. 

"Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there." Erik explained, pointing out to the military boats in the water. "I feel their guns moving in the water. Their metal, targeting us. Americans, Soviets, humans. United in their fear of the unknown. The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants!" He turned to Charles, tilting his head slightly. "Go ahead, Charles. Tell me I'm wrong."

Charles gave him a side glance before he put his fingers up to his temples. After a moment or two, a look of worried washed over his face while he dropped his hand and looked to Moira, nodding in confirmation. I watched as she ran back to the plane to alert the soldiers of the news, not that it would do anything since the systems were destroyed in the crash. 

I felt my heart stop momentarily when all of the missiles fired and started making their way towards us and my body grow cold even in the heat we were stood in. I darted my eyes from everyone, getting ready to intervene. I stopped in my tracks when the suddenly stopped in the air, Erik's powers being the cause. 

"Erik, you said yourself, we're the better men. This is the time to prove it!" Charles tried to reason with him as he turned the missiles around to face the boats. "There are thousands of men on those ships. Good, honest, innocent men! They're just following orders!"

"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders." Erik said quietly and turned his head to face Charles. "Never again." He informed, launching the missiles back to the source. 

I stepped up, pulling away from Hank as he tried to restrain me and sweeping my legs under Erik's feet to make him fall. I gritted my teeth, reaching my hand out towards where the weapons were rapidly making their way towards the soldiers to destroy them. Only a few had turned into dust before Erik knocked me down as well. 

"I don't want to hurt you, don't make me!" He shouted, getting tackled by Charles afterwards. Erik elbowed him in the face, coming to a stand quickly. He then pushed Sean, Hank and Alex back while they began making their way over in attempt to help. 

"Erik, stop!" I shouted, hitting his arm to go down to his side to stop the attack. "You don't want to do this!" He looked at me for a moment before throwing me backwards with his powers. 

I groaned, arching my back in pain at the impact I made with the ground. I began hearing gunshots, my eyes rolling at the stupidity. I pushed myself up, standing just in time to see Charles get hit with one of the bullets Erik had deflected before he fell to the ground, screaming in agony while the rest of the missiles collided into each other and exploded, leaving the soldiers safe. 

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