Chapter Two

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"You must have a lot of lady friends." I joked. It was a new day and last night, Hank told me about his Mutation and finally let me see what he was so careful to hide. I bumped my shoulder to his as we walked into the dreary building that he worked in, him returning the favor. For some reason I always decided to go with him to the facility, I never understood why, but it just seemed fascinating to me.

When we entered through the doors of the lab, I noticed a group of people walk in with the man I never quite got the name of. I nudged Hank and gestured my head towards the group to alert him of their presence and he nodded, walking over towards them after handing me his bag.

Me being the noisy person I am, I listened to their conversation while I walked over to a desk and set his bag down, placing my own next to it. I looked over my shoulder, meeting the eyes of a man in a black turtleneck and brown leather jacket. His face was stern, not really looking like he had wanted to be here. I averted my eyes to the floor, turning my head back to my front.

"How wonderful. Another mutant already here." A man said in reference to Hank, catching me off guard which caused me to accidentally phase my hand through the table. I mentally cursed myself, trying to get it out as quiet as possible. "Why didn't you say?" The man asked the CIA man.

"Say what?" The man in the black suit asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shut my eyes and prayed he didn't look past Hank and see me struggling to pull my had out of the desk. "Because you didn't know..." The British man said awkwardly. "I am so, so terribly sorry."

I grunted rather loudly when my hand was finally free, the table making a loud banging sound from the impact. I thought I was home free, but the force of my pull ended up knocking me to the ground, or should I say through the ground. I groaned and sat up, only the upper half of my body visible. When I looked over to the group of people, I saw them all staring back at me amazed, even the one that looks like a hard ass. I awkwardly smiled and gestured for Hank to come help me the rest of the way out. When I was finally free, I shifted my feet shyly, not knowing what to expect now.

"You didn't ask... We didn't tell." Hank explained to the man in black.

The blonde girl stepped up with a smile on her face. "So you're Mutation is what? That you're super smart?" She asked my brother.

"I wish that's all it was." He mumbled sadly.

I tuned out their conversation when I felt eyes staring at me, so I turned to look at the man with the leather jacket to see that he was staring at me again, this time with a look of interest on his face. I awkwardly pushed my glasses up a little farther and cleared my throat, looking away from him and the others. I smiled to myself when I heard the girl walk closer to Hank, who was now hanging upside down from the model plane, and tell him that he was amazing.

Since he was so shy, not many people got to know him to see that he was indeed amazing. It had always been just the two of us. A hand was put on my shoulder gently, and I turned to see the British man who had accidentally exposed us. He smiled down at me and I smiled back.

"I'm Charles Xavier." He said, introducing himself.

"Riley McCoy..." I answered back quietly.

A/N: You have no idea how many times I accidentally typed Beth into this...

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