Chapter 23 - sensations

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A/N - what the hell I'll put this up too lol

            Konall felt whole, complete and almost one hundred percent happy. Alliyah had agreed to the blood bond, they had performed the small ceremony and he had renewed her seal. There was still that little niggling doubt, the one he had held on to since Asren had told him about Alliyah.

She was currently snuggled in Asren's arms, which he hadn't let her out of since she launched herself at him after Talon had left.

He smiled; the emotions that were running through the pair were nothing short of blissful.           

            "I wish Talon stayed for awhile," Alliyah said looking back into the forest. "I don't understand why she didn't. We are all Slayers...we should be together."

            Konall frowned, "she had to leave."

            "Why? We should all be together," she repeated.

Konall looked at her, she was the perfect Slayer for Asren, well mannered, interesting to talk to, loving and kind...and now she had unlocked her power, he could feel their link swell with it...thanks to Talon.

            Asren had mind linked him after he had shifted to fight Talon, that the danger was not for real...there had been exceptions of course to Talon's stipulation, one that Konall not interfere being one of them...the others were that Asren not challenge her too much. She would not be able to hold back...Asren had made sure that he only did the minimum to convince Alliyah that he was in danger. He had apologised profusely for scaring her...but Alliyah was sweet natured and understood the greater good that had come of the charade.

            "Talon would have killed you Alliyah, she was struggling with it when you charged for her," Asren murmured into her hair. "Hell, if I didn't lay low during that ...sham...she would have turned on me."

            "Talon would never kill me," she turned and smiled at him. "We're friends."

            "I'm not sure about how much you know about female Ice Slayers but ...being friends with another Ice Slayer not a common occurance. Especially with the fact that the only Ice Male around is with you," Konall sighed.

            "Well I'm glad you like her Alliyah because I won't leave without her. I actually want to talk to you about...forming a circle...under Talon. That way if I become her second circle male I can have a female partner and you will be under protection as well. She basically already said yes to our partnership. You have a chance to remain friends that way and I can't leave her here in any case."

Konall felt his happiness grab hold of anywhere it could trying not to slip away. It had worried about this, the underlying need that Asren could not explain toward Talon.

When he explained the prickling sensation to him when he had first met Talon, Konall had known....but he had kept it quiet.

Still his heart beat a little faster with the trickle of fear he held for Talon...for Alliyah and Asren. Talon may not want to be blood contacted now.

And who was around to push her into it?

            "I don't mind Asren, Talon saved my life. I really believe that Talon is different, I trust her completely. Anyway she's obsessed with that tree not...males. Well, maybe one male," Alliyah giggled.

            He watched Asren stiffen, "What tree?"

            "She took me somewhere and asked if I felt anything. I didn't but then as we got this huge tree, the flowers on our ...these," Alliyah swept her hand over her leafy attire, "they bloomed. And Talon asked me to put a drop of blood on the tree, because that is what she thought it wanted. I did and it disappeared in to the tree but then it spat it back at me. That's why she asked if you could bleed her Konall."

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