Chapter 22 - charade

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A/N - hey guys...decided to cut this in half as don't hate on me...the next half I will just work on a bit more and post maybe on Friday :D

Alliyah dashed after Talon as she disappeared in the direction those howls had emanated from ...the howls that had sent chills up and down the length of her body. She didn't know why she felt she should chase Talon because really it was ridiculous...she thought that there was a huge chance that the origin of those howls would most likely reveal more of the half Black Slayers...but that wasn't the most stupid part ...the stupid part was her feeling like she desperately needed to go.

            She wouldn't...scrap that...couldn't... fight so what use would she be to Talon; it was highly probable she would most likely get in Talon's path of destruction...but somehow she couldn't stop herself.

She realised she could hear Talon snarling and growling a long time before she knew she was actually close to seeing her.

As she stepped lightly through the woods she stopped... had she just heard a male talking?

            Who would be trying to talk to Talon when she was growling like that?

            "Talon?" she called softly.

Talon only growled louder in response.

Alliyah heard another murmur ...definitely male. No one she recognised.

She now could see Talon's white tail slowly moving side to side...never a good sign.

            She was debating attacking whoever she was snarling at.

            "Talon? What is it?" she called softly as she continued to step forward.

Alliyah moved carefully through the leaves to stand a few steps behind Talon, who backed up to stand directly in front of her close enough that her tail brushed Alliyah's thighs. Her head was lowered and ears flat on her head.

            "Alliyah," someone breathed.

Her eyes snapped up and her heart stopped. Her crumbled world rebuilt itself in the space of two erratic thumps of her heart.


Everything she had ever felt for him rushed from the prison she had held it in for so long. The heat of his gaze told her that he still felt the same.

He moved forward lifting his hand to her...his beautiful chrome blue eyes devouring every inch of her as she was to him.

Talon snarled in the distance but Alliyah ignored it as she placed one foot to move toward the one man she would give her last breath for.

He was even more stunning then she remembered, she wondered if Angel's were jealous of his golden and ice visage... he was here.

He moved again forward again and she smiled as pure joy lit up her broken heart.

He wanted her.

Then everything fell...

Her world collapsed again as she watched the strongest Ice female she had ever encounter leap suddenly, a savage snarl vibrating through the woods.

 She stood stock still and even though she could feel something entwining around her waist, her legs, her arms...she didn't take her eyes from the slow motion scene to spare a glance to see what it was.

She watched as Asren dodged with lightning reflexes in the last millisecond possible, but it wasn't quick enough as Talon's diamond fangs sunk into his muscled shoulder and ripped a hunk of his flesh off. Blood sprayed through the air. Talon's momentum took her to land beyond him giving Asren just enough time to shift and prepare for her next onslaught.

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