Chapter 24: Young and Beautiful

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(I haven't been doing that mush Sabriel lately. Mostly Destiel drama.

This is basically just gonna be fluff and kind of just a filler. Also this is before Cas cut himself.)

Gabriel and I where at Ellen's diner. I wanted to see Ellen and Jo. And some coffee. Mostly coffee.

Gabe and I held hands. After school we decided to put on all the rainbow stuff we had. All I have is a sweatshirt and my pride bracelet, so I wasn't really getting any attention.

Gabriel on the other hand; he had tie-dye rainbow long sleeves shirt, rainbow hoodie that said "Gay-briel", rainbow leggings, rainbow socks, rainbow vans, rainbow bracelets. Oh how could I forget, rainbow earrings and a choker.

He went all out. He even tried getting me to do his makeup. I told him no.

"Hey boys," Ellen said as we sat down at the bar. "What can I get ya fellas?" She asked us. "I'll have a mocha, decaf." I told her. "I'll have an affogato." He said with a shrug, twiddling with one of his bracelets.

"Coming right up." She set a towel she was using to dry a glass on the counter. She walked to the back and I could hear her asking Jo what Gabriel just ordered.

After several minutes Jo can back behind the counter, handing us or coffee. "This better not be the last time I see you two as virgins." She stated sternly, I chuckled and frank my drink. "No need to worry, I'm not." When Gabe said that I choked on my drink.

"Gabriel. We're fourteen." I told him, he just shrugged. Jo threw her arms in the air and went into the back.

"Never mind." I shook my head. "We'll just say I took it." I said, booping his nose.

After an hour of walking around town we finally went back to his house.

We went in the kitchen and grabbed a chocolate pie.

"You're gonna eat some sugar instead of that... that... rabbit's food." He told me, I shrugged and took a fork from his hand. I stabbed it into the pie and took a bite. "Wow. This is good." I moaned.

"I know right!" Gabe exclaimed.

We finished the pie and went in his room.

"Listen to this." He put an earbud in my ear. I instantly recognized it as Breaking Benjamin.

"Gabriel, why are you playing You? I know this song. It's one of my favorites by them." I stared, he just shrugged.

When Evil Angel played we laid down and he went on tumblr.

After seeing a picture of some Harry Potter thing Gabriel screamed. "I'm gonna kill Malfoy! I'm gonna stab his stomach, then pin him to the Empire State Building by stabbing his feet and hands!" Gabriel screamed.

"Gabe?" I asked. "Yes Samoose?" He asked.

"I'm leaving. Once I leave... my dad's not gonna let me talk to you."

He nodded, checking the time before turning off his phone and going to the bathroom.

I heard the bathroom door open then a loud scream of "Cas!"

High school, it sucks! (Sabriel/Destiel Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now