Chapter 19: Changes

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~Lucifer's POV~

Today is the day Michael and I move into our new apartment. Also Gabe wanted to have everyone over for dinner tonight before we go to the apartment.

So that's what was happening in an hour, dinner.

Currently I was watching Once Upon A Time—whilst sitting on Michael's lap. Gabe's head was hanging off the couch, and his legs where on the back of the couch. Castiel and Dean where upstairs doing god knows what, Sam was still at home with his dad. Then there was Becky and Chuck, who where in the kitchen preparing dinner.

I leaned back and kissed Michael, we just started watching it so we where only on episode three. Gabe convinced everyone to watch it and tried spoiling us on season four. It was something about frozen.

So far Regina is my favorite, then Michael said he likes James because he's hot. I found that weird because he's in a coma.

We watched two more episodes when we heard the doorbell ring. I opened it to reveal Sam with an older man who had black hair, with some grey in it. He wore a bunch of layers, of course.

"Hi, I'm John Winchester." He said holding up his hand to shake, I nodded and replied. "Name's Lucifer." I replied.

"Come on in." I moved out of the way so they could come inside. "My parents are in the kitchen, and you've already met my brothers." I started. "And a few of our friends are coming over soon. Sorry if that's to many people." I apologized.

"No it's fine, I've dealt with a lot more people, and way worse. I'm sure I can handle a few teenagers." I laughed at his comment and walked over to Michael, sitting next to him. He tried to put me back on his lap but I shook my head. "Theres a new comer." I chuckled he rolled his eyes and hit play.

Previously on Once Upon A Ti-
Michael skipped that part and waited for the episodes to begin. "Now we don't know what it's about." I complained. "You'll find out as it goes on."

After fighting over watching the previously thing Chuck yelled. "Dinners ready." Cas came running down the stairs holding Dean's hand as Dean laughed at his childishness.

Gabe rolled off the couch and ran in the kitchen yelling. "GIVE ME FOOD NOW OR I'LL SLAP YOU!" Oh shit.

"Gabriel, say that again I will ground you and take away your advantages on technology and making gay jokes, and candy. Unless technology is for school." Becky said.

"I'm so sorry, do you want a massage?" He said, for once not sarcastically.

"C'mon." Michael stood up and held his hand out, I took it and he hoisted me up. I pecked his lips and walked in the kitchen, hand in hand.


We finished dinner and where now talking, Becky and Chuck asking questions about John's work. Sam and Dean seemed a little on edge when he would reply.

Cas fiddled with the sleeves on his black sweater. Dean grabbed his hand and held it, kissing his cheek. Everyone gasped except Sam and Gabe.

"Oh shit." Castiel mumbled.

"What... CHUCK YOU OWE ME $30 BUCKS!" Becky yelled. "Okay." He said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Gabe glared. "Hell nah." He mumbled, grabbing Sam's face and kissing him, Sam kissing back.


John was eating his food casually, Becky and Chuck sitting with their eyes wide, same with me. Michael just sat there with his phone in hand, he took a picture on me and giggled. I flipped him off.

So the lil shits where dating and never told me. "WAIT WHAT?!" Dean yelled, Sam looked at him with a brow raised, Gabriel with a grin on his face.

Suddenly everyone, excluding Michael and John where yelling about OTPs. Dean was different



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