The Big Decision (The Hospital)

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Hi! I have extracted some text from my first fanfiction and used it below, because I never finished that fanfiction as I had the idea for this one (which is better!), so sorry if you've already read it. If not, enjoy!♥

It had only been a few days, but for Lockwood it seemed like months. Even for George, it felt like weeks. The white-washed walls of the hospital, the strong smell of disinfectant, the repetitive beep of machines and the bold, bright white lights just amplified the absence of time. Lockwood sat by Lucy's bed, holding her hand, while George sat in an armchair on the other side of the room, snoring softly (but still managing to maintain a faint worried look). When Lockwood realised it was Lucy, it felt like his heart stopped. Ever since he had seen her with Flo, she had always lurked in the shadows of his mind. He was so worried about her, and now she was here next to him, but... She wasn't really with him. Lockwood had no idea how long they'd been there. It could have been minutes, hours, days - quite frankly, it didn't matter. Time was absent.

Without warning, the door to the small room swung open, and a smart woman dressed in a crisp white labcoat walked in. She checked the machines, fiddled about a bit with a few things, and then sat in the empty chair in the corner of the room. George rubbed his eyes and attempted look more alert.

'I need to discuss a very serious matter with you.' She began with a purposeful, gentle manner. 'Lucy is indeed in a very deep coma. And unfortunately, while we can keep her alive, she isn't going to wake up. I know this is very shocking for you, but we need to make a decision - whether to unhook her from the machines or not. I am sure you understand what the result would be. If you would like to confer with any family members, then please do... however we need a decision in two days, and unless you can suggest anyone else you two seem the best people to make this decision. I am sorry to bring you the bad news'.

With that, the woman stood up and left the room. Lockwood and George just sat there, failing to absorb the information she had just delivered. They couldn't discuss it, because that would mean acknowledging it - and that would mean accepting it - accepting, that their friend was as good as dead.

The Night Watchman Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora