An Unexpected Visitor

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It was cold, it was wet, it was miserable. It was London. Lucy and Flo sheltered under a bridge near the Thames, not really doing much apart from grumpily grumbling about the weather every now and then. Which is pretty much how every afternoon was spent these days.

The rain began to ease off, and they were just discussing moving location when footsteps crunched against the pebbles behind them. Both turned around simultaneously, to see who it was.

I tall, slim, smart figure stood in front of them, with a mop of dark hair and a winning grin.

The staring competition between Lockwood and Lucy began. (Meanwhile, Flo began picking sticky brown stuff out from under her nails).

(Lockwood's POV)

Bloody hell. It was Lucy. I had to do a double take as I barely recognised her. There were dark circles under her eyes, as if she hadn't slept in weeks, and she was so emaciated she could have been a wraith. I hadn't realised she would be living on the streets, and to see her in this state broke my heart.

'Lucy...' I sighed.

(Lucy's POV)

'L-Lockwood...' I stammered. Well, this was unexpected. And very embarrassing. He looked even better than I remembered him, and I felt my cheeks go pink as I thought how bad I must look (and smell). But at least he was safe, and well. That was why I was in this state - it was all for him.

'God, you look awful', He whispered, and attempted a weak smile at me. Or was it a smirk?

Definitely a smirk. A voice from my rucksack commented without invitation. You do realise how bad you look right?

'Shut up', I growled softly. Now was not the time to have an argument with a type three ghost, or deal with it's infuriating comments.

And you stink. It's worse than a skunk. Even Flo looks far more appealing than you. Now wonder he thinks you look awful! Although it was rather rude to say it out loud, wasn't it? Maybe he didn't think you would hear.

'SHUT UP!' I screamed, louder this time. Skull was right. How rude of Lockwood. The reason I was in this state in the first place was because of him, and this  is how he shows his gratitude?! I always used to think he was the polite one. So much for is flawless manners. I turned my back to him, (and Flo, who had finally looked up) and stormed angrily away, into the driving rain.

'Lucy!' he called after me, 'Wait!'.


I called after her, tried to explain, so I could help and at least tell her she was welcome back and offer her a bed and warm meal for the night. But it was too late. She was gone. And the cracks in my fractured heart deepened even more as I watched her go.

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