The Spectre

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For some reason, the big cases, and dangerous type-two ghosts, were always in big, old houses. It's cliché, I know, but I guess the history encouraged the presence of visitors. This house was particularly cliché. It had ancient, antique artefacts crowding cabinets, and of course a big, carpeted staircase. Thick cobwebs hung from the rusty chandeliers... I hoped they were due to the age of the house and neglect, but I had a sneaking suspicion that they were linked to the psychic energies filling the building.

Kipps and I had already walked around the house and taken psychic readings, and set our circles of iron chains up. Now we were sitting at the bottom of the staircase, munching on cookies and sipping warm mugs of tea to combat the growing chill in the air. I have to admit, it was nice to relax and not stress about the cookie rule for once.

It was getting quite late, and there was still no sign of the rest of Kipps' team, although since Kate wasn't joining us, and New Shaw was dead. the only person missing was Bobby. 'When is Bobby joining us?' I asked.

'Oh, didn't I tell you? After his traumatic experience at Aickmere's, Bobby left. Between you and me, he was always the weakest member of the team anyway.' Kipps continued, 'You know, Lucy, you're welcome to join my team. Your talent is extraordinary, and we could really use your help. Plus, once you get to know me I'm really not that bad.' He laughed.

I smiled, genuinely this time: I felt less alone. 'Thanks, Kipps. I really appreciate the offer. But, the thing is I'm a danger. My talent is too strong for me to handle and I don't want to endanger other agents, so I'm not sure if I can commit to anything right now.'

Kipps nodded, 'Of course, Lucy, I wouldn't want you to do anything you weren't entirely comfortable with. It sounds like your talent must be quite a burden to carry. But if there's anything I can do-'

A sharp, cold wind blew with sudden ferocity and stopped Kipps mid-sentence. Both of us turned around at once, and immediately found where it was coming from. At the top of the stairs sat a small child, clutching a teddy bear to his chest and projecting very strong emotions of malaise, enhanced by his heart-breaking wailing. I felt stronger pity than I had ever felt before, and started up the stairs towards the child.

'Mummy? Where are you? Mummy, I'm scared.' He wailed.

'It's OK,' I reassured him as I drew closer,'I'm here to help you.'

He stopped wailing and stared at me, without moving. His mouth moved as if he was trying to tell me something. Fear flickered across his face.

'It's OK,' I repeated, 'What's wrong?'

A faint whisper escaped his lips, '...behind youuu...'

It took a moment to register what he had said, and before I could turn around I heard Kipps scream my name and something heavy knocked me to the ground.

It turns out it was Kipps. We got up and looked at the wall, where a large knife was embedded: it had missed us by mere inches.

'Are you OK?' he gasped.
'Yeah,' I nodded, 'Poltergiest'.

The Spectre of the child had vanished. Now the knife removed itself from the wall and flew towards us again. Luckily, this time we were ready. We flung an iron and silver blanket on  it before it got to us so it fell to the ground. At least the source had been easy to find.

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