Back where it started

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The noise of the monitors woke me from my medicine-induced slumber. With bleary eyes I turned my head, and saw the whitewashed walls of a hospital (yet again). I craned my stiff neck and saw a figure sitting in an old armchair next to the bed, slumped over. Holding my hand. Despite my fuzzy vision my eyes instantly recognised the mess of dark hair sleeping lazily on top of his head - Lockwood. He shifted, opening his eyes, and sat up immediately when he realised I was staring back at him.

'Lucy! Oh my god. How are you feeling?' He asked with a worried expression.

'I've been better.' I replied drily. 'Although I have to say, you're not looking great yourself, Lockwood.'

He attempted a chuckle. 'Yeah, it's been a rough few days. But it's okay now. You're okay now. You're safe.' He whispered.

I swallowed, and looked away, blinking in an attempt to clear my vision - not from sleep this time, but from excess saltwater that seemed to be gathering in the corners of my eyes.

Before I could reply, I heard the door to the room open and a well-groomed woman in a clean, stainless labcoat walked in with a clipboard. 

'Well, Ms Carlyle. I'm glad to see you've woken up, eventually. You've had a nice long sleep there.' She peered at me over the top of her spectacles, the looked at Lockwood. 'I'm afraid you'll have to leave now Sir. I need to see Ms Carlyle on her own. And you look like you need some fresh air anyway.'

His hair was a mess, and stuck out in every direction as if someone had electrocuted him. Behind the warmth of his smile, there were dark circles under his eyes and I could tell that he was trying to hide his worry. I gave him a weak smile and said 'See you soon.' In a croaky voice.

He just bent over me, kissed me on the forehead and left the room. Shit.

When the doctor had finished poking about and pressing buttons on the machines surrounding me, she said that a young man had arrived to see me. I assumed that it was Lockwood again, but when the door opened I was shown the lanky figure of Quill Kipps. His usual smirk was gone, and just like everyone else, he seemed unusually tired. He walked towards me and hugged me gingerly before stepping back.

'I was so worried. I thought I'd never see you again. But I'm so glad you're safe.' He said quietly. 'How are you?' He asked. 

'Ok, I guess.' I shrugged. 'I mean, I've been better, but considering everything that's happened I'm doing okay. And you? You look tired.'

'Yeah, well, the last few days have been quite... emotionally draining.' He replied.

'Emotionally draining? In what way?' I asked.

'Just... everything's come out at once. Not only all the stuff to do with the Orpheus Society, and you going missing, and then all this paperwork and court cases I seem caught up in... but then there's Quintin too.'

I raised an eyebrow. 'Oh? Oh, yes.' A memory came back, of Quintin and Holly sitting beside Penelope Fittes. 'I'm guessing you didn't know he was involved in that... organisation.'

He shook his head. 'No, I had no idea. It was a complete shock.' He sighed. 'And it turns out - this is the worst bit- he was only going out with me as a spy, a way to find out information, and a method of controlling me and other agents. Turns out he's been with that Holly girl all along.'

Kipps looked so alone, so lost that I felt a pang of pity for him.

'Oh, Quill, I'm so sorry.' I said. 'That's horrible.' 

He nodded, but didn't move his gaze from the shiny hospital floor.

'Yeah.' He said, voice breaking a little. 'But, I'll survive.' He shrugged. 'Everything changes now. It changes for me, but it changes even more for you doesn't it?' He said.

'What do you mean?' I asked, confused.

'Oh - haven't they told you yet? Oops. There I am, always letting information slip out when it isn't supposed to.' He tried to laugh. 'Don't worry, they'll tell you soon. Let's just say - you're not normal, Lucy. I mean, everyone knows that - you're completely bonkers. But it turns out that you're even more special than anyone thought.'

The door opened, and a stern man in a suit with a clipboard stood there.

'Ms Carlyle. We have some information which may be of your interest.'

The Night Watchman Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora