An Unexpected Visitor #2

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Lucy may have left, but Lockwood&Co still had a job to do, and Holly Munro was determined to keep them on track.

Luckily, tonight's job was very unusual and had perked up Lockwood,  as well as intrigued George. It was set in a ruined castle, that still had some passages and stone stairways intact, although the roof was gone and much of it had been worn by years of neglect. No one had bothered to deal with the visitors there, until it's owner decided that they wanted to sell the land.

It definitely had an interesting history. During the Tutor dynasty it had hosted numerous executions, and  during the civil war it's royalist inhabitants had been ransacked by the Roundhead army and murdered. It was cases like these where Lucy's absence was most recognised.


Night had fallen, and the battle had begun. At first, there had been shades and glimmers which stayed in the corners and didn't bother anyone. But that was how it always started.

Now, Lockwood, George and Holly were pressed back-to-back in a circle of iron chains, desperately trying to keep an army of various visitors at bay. It was yet another tight situation, but somehow Lockwood&Co managed to pull through due to their perfect dynamics. Which were no longer perfect, now Lucy was gone.

They fought and fought for what seemed like hours, yet there was still no sign of dawn approaching. Their arms ached, but they pressed on with incredible endurance. Holly looked somewhat less glamorous than usual.

Suddenly, when it was getting rather difficult, the ghosts began to fall back. A cloaked figure emerged, gracefully hacking away at the attacking apparitions from all approaches.
The Night Watchman.

Lockwood&Co had no time to stop fighting despite their surprise, but within minutes, thanks to the Night Watchman's help, almost all the visitors had been despatched. Now all that remained were the glimmers and shades that were present at the beginning.

Lockwood&Co stood, trying to catch their breath, with the Night Watchman a few metres away. That had been a close one. A very close one. Phew.

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